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on today's episode of design vs design we are taking two creative weirdos and putting them side by side in their own empty white rooms to see who can pull off the best room transformation. i'm not sure if it's gonna be what it looks like in my head we're partnering with ashley homestore where our contestants will have one hour to shop till they drop hey guys! oh my god! and only one day to implement their design. julie have ten minutes ten minutes hannah with me and joey as their mentors these contestants better pull their rooms together in time for our esteemed panel of judges i could live in both these rooms so easily to pick one winner who will win a
$1,000 gift card but there's always a catch and today we're further challenging our contestants by giving them a specific design style to stick to on your marks, get set, shop! you can get your tape measures out and your creative weirdo thinking caps on because this is design vs. design and the winning designer is hello everyone!hey! oh my gosh! welcome back! we are doing our second episode of design vs design
guys this is the show where we take two of you creative weirdos head-to-head design challenge empty rooms i don't always love competition when it comes to creativity because you guys know all creative voices and perspectives are valid however, we will be picking a winner before we get started with the episode guys make sure and hit that subscribe button if you aren't already subscribed hit it join the creative weirdo family make sure your notifications are turned on hit the bell becauseding! ding! ding! because we have so many fun videos planned for you guys, you you won't want to miss them including this one. let's meet the contestants. we haven't met them yet. hi mr. kate., my name is ashley i am 29 years old. i live here in downtown los angeles. my husband and i are originally from the midwest shout out to ohio, but we've lived in la for about five years now
and i would love to be on the next design versus design challenge i am the ultimate creative weirdo. literally diy is in my dna i have been obsessed with design and decor and interior decorating my whole life. you guys are such an inspiration to me so hopefully see you guys later hi, mr. kate. my name is hannah. i am a 24 year old singer songwriter and brand new mommy. this is my daughter eliza she's 3 months old. i got into interior design after my husband and i got married we renovated our townhouse we just finished doing her nursery and it was it was so much fun. and i can't wait to do more projects like it pick us!
yay! hi! nice to meet you how are you?good, how are you? hi, how are you? oh my gosh! all right, so you guys ready for this? yes. yeah, are you nervous? yep. i'm a little, sweaty. that's good. so here's the deal you guys there's these two empty rooms behind us you're gonna have a day to
design shop and a day to install and one of you gals is gonna win a thousand dollar gift card balling! but there's no losers because both of your designs are gonna be donated to a sense of home which is this really cool charity that helps individuals who have aged out of the foster care system yeah.very special.i love that. make it good, make it good. oh my gosh guys, we are so amped to be doing another episode of design vs. design ashleigh and hannah. they submitted videos. they're not professional designers they're aspiring which is awesome. but this time we want to just have them step it up a little bit as designers
so obviously these rooms are blank the challenge is going to be to make them into bedrooms a lot of times your clients don't have the same personal style as you do so you have to decorate and channel them i like to think of myself as a chameleon, you know channel a bunch of different styles. so a bedroom in a modern take on a farmhouse design okay in a bedroom and the rest is up to you i am from texas so i'd like to think i know how to do this. i'm actually really excited that we are designing a bedroom i'm a little nervous to be going up against a texas girl for farmhouse style but i feel confident i feel like i can take it on
alright! so we're gonna give you a clipboard, a tape measure, some paper, and some paint decks. paint! paint fan deck.ink decks. you guys have half an hour to go in there and measure and come up with the general layout of course joey and i are here as your mentors. we are not the judges. all right, are you guys ready? yes. excited? yes. all right let's get in here design vs. design on three. yeah one, two, three design vs. design!
joey you need hand lotion. go! get in there!go! so the room is actually pretty symmetrical with both of the windows on either side so i feel really confident about the size and the shape of the room i think what it's gonna come down to for me is the different types of furniture that i can find to kind of help meld it all together modern farmhouse is the aesthetic i would like to think my house has i like stuff so i tend to
overbuy, so i'm gonna try to be on the minimal side of things hannah!hi! how's it going going? it's going good. we want to just hear what you're thinking okay, my first instinct is to do a chalkboard feature wall. oh my god fun this will be like the focal point and everything is kind of serving to look that way. and i like a dark wall at the back to anchor it the back to anchor it. what are you thinking for? paint color for these walls. i think just like an off-white which i think we'll just kind of keep it bright in here yeah! since we have such a dark feature wall? i was worried that everyone's gonna just want to paint their walls white
but immediately hannah says she's gonna paint one of her walls chalkboard black paint, which is great. which is awesome, yeah that's such a bold choice to just start off this challenge. totally so that one i actually just see used this color in a room recently it's beautiful. i notice on your drawing that you also have some accessory lighting on here we are in a set, but we can rig lighting so. okay awesome if you wanna do lighting? i was thinking of chandelier minimal chandelier over the bed obviously we built these two rooms for the purpose of them designing these spaces it is open on one side of the room, but they have to still treat it like a
360 room so we're also giving them the option to hang lighting over the top of the bed or around the windows et cetera just to have some overhead lighting as well the young adults who have transitioned out of the foster care system is kind of the client right? yeah!yeah, right. they are ultimately gonna get the room so absolutely. okay well, i was thinking of doing like a desk cause they might be students. so love that idea.maybe section of shiplap, maybe like there for like. i like that because you have the anchoring wall situation happening there then the shiplap becomes a little center
moment for the desk. it'll distinguish the two areas in a nice way. i love that hannah has taking cues from the sense of home charity. it's great, no as a designer you always want to personalize your space in some way know who you're designing for or in this particular case cast that person make up that individual so that yeah you can bring in those personal touches. and then i was wondering if i would be allowed to bring some plants from home like of course propagations. okay. oh propagations
i'm a plant lady.i love it these are all really great ideas. i feel great about where you're going let's go check in with ashley. let's check in with ashley and then we'll go shopping. okay, thank you. yes, i'm so excited good choices. good job here's your paint fan deck. okay ashley hi!hello! how's it going? it's going gray it's going gray i like that
it's going gray okay it's going, it's going green gray, so i'm really drawn towards this comfort gray i think i'm just kind of addicted to the name because it kind of speaks to the bedroom then these can sway you, i get swayed for sure.for sure and then contentedokay so let's see those two they're pretty similar oh very similar this is like a little greener. little more green. let's go for comfort. great. build this thing for comfort yes i love it okay gray comfort gray it is
i do love that ashley went for the green colored gray for her walls, i think that'll be a really beautiful contrast to hannah's room. how are you? with the whole like farmhouse thing. like do you like that style? is that your style? it's not my go-to style my style is definitely more leaning towards mid-century furniture pieces, kind of taking a turn to rustic farmhouse is gonna be a challenge for me so i'm thinking definitely want to play up the symmetry of the windows if possible i definitely want to do maybe some like hanging pendant lights instead of like a table lamp to give it that modern feel so hanging pendant lights in front of the window. so you're thinking the bed on this wall. yeah bed faint
bed here. the fact that they're both putting their beds in the same spot in the rooms will really make them need to stand out other places.right they'll be that much easier to directly compare to each other depending on what's available at the store will kind of determine the height of the dresser that i want to do and kind of how it bakes into the bed on the opposing side i want to have like just a little like maybe vanity or desk area you know just have like a little space to themselves to kind of work or get ready or whatever it is so
ashley seems very relaxed. which like is great good for her. i need tips cause i'm never relaxed i would love to do like some sort of like living wall maybe above the bed or maybe above the little get ready station to kind of give it that like natural calming feel to kind of play up the greenish hue to the walls and again make it feel like gender neutral and give it personality i love that so when you say a living wall, are you picturing like something that you're going to build?
i don't know if it's gonna be like multiple shelves stacked on each other and then i just like cover them in like hanging plants and things i don't know. i just want like a wow factor when you walk into the room.right so that's probably gonna be like my wow factor personality moment. i love that. all right, so grab your, grab your paint deck we'll get those paint colors going our crew got these started hannah let's go we're going shopping.hannah shopping all right guys welcome to ashley homestore. welcome to my store
this is your, this is your store for the next hour. okay okay this place is a mecca for like so many beautiful things literally they can decorate the entire room from floor to ceiling here, so, that's great because that's what they have to do they have this new mane and mason line, which is really tapped into that modern farmhouse look yep, you can really see it around us. and what's great is they have a lot of different finishes to the wood it's a very organic family friendly line. it's perfect for the modern farmhouse vibe. all right one hour one? you guys got it one hour ready on your marks, get set,
shop! we'll be here if you need us i'm gonna grab that she took the lumbar pillow already there is so much stuff this is cute i'm a little bit stressed because there are about 2.7 million items in this store there's so many different takes on the same style different variations of things
oh wow do you want to come home with me? i think you do i like these i found this cream-colored bed that i'm really excited about i think it's gonna look great against the black chalkboard wall i think this is my bed. i really love the bed i chose. there are certain little details of it that kind of remind me of a sliding barn door but since it's so big, it's really important for me to find other elements that kind of soften it since the bed feels so masculine okay, so obviously joey and i are here as the mentors so we're kind of helping them along splitting up i'm carrying a bunch of throw blankets. they make great scarves there are so many rug options, it's actually very stressful trying to pick one
especially when i'm not sure what i want to use textile wise with my pillows i'm hoping that i will at least like one of them because one is all i need. oh my gosh this stool is perfect it has those metal hardware elements that are gonna look so great next to the bed and if they don't end up working for a nightstand i can totally use them as the desk or vanity chair as well hannah hihow's it going?
good okay oh did you find your desk? i think i found my desk. this is perfect. so then with the shiplap do you want it to be the same width as this or wider? maybe if we do a border have it just outside and then the actual shiplap would be flush with this how's your hunt for like big stuff going? like do you have a bed? good, i got the bed i think i'm gonna do the white crisscross handling. pretty. or that like kind of off white i think that would look good against the chalkboard. yeah, i like that texture on that one. yeah. yeah i was thinking i saw a mirror of a circle mirror with like a leather strap, but i was thinking cute.
specifically like a desk slash vanity okay, love that. and then have the shiplap going out. is it big? i think it was like okay. those walls are fairly high.right.the windows are fairly tall i don't want you to be too diminutive with your artwork or wall items, right so that's fine you know, i would have other things also bigger, bigger art a bigger or a mirror just i'm just throwing things out there what do you think of that mirror right there? oh, i love that. that's very farmhouse farmhouse but also kind of would be a vanity. oh! like look right here. so it's a multi-purpose. multi-purpose i love that. i love that great. look at you thinking on your feet. wham-bam change your mind. there we go better size
i love it do you have any, any like emergencies or any like big questions you have right now shelving. i'll find shelving okay joey's finding shelving where is she? hey guys!oh my god let me help you. let me help you. whoops. i think you're about done huh? that's actually how i shop as well this is cool its like a. i love this bed, i'm actually really glad that you picked. it's it's it's it's like a
barn doors yeah! i love that metal element. and i feel like i can have a lot of fun playing with this hardware to kind of accent like the light that i'm gonna do and maybe a lot of like accessories on like the dresser of the shelf so let me ask you a question though. yes. are you getting this? well, you are now cause you only have ten i need help finding a rug let go to rugs!rugs! rugs let's go! this way
i love rugs i could spend all day in here guys rug cuddles oh my god a rug sandwich kyle joey get in here! we've never done a rug sandwich i guess come on guys ultimate rug cuddle, vertical hug cuddles this is iconic
oh but speaking of this ones actually nice.yeah, that one's really nice i love that vibe.what vibe are you going for? do you think this is too dark for the bed though? no, the contrast is awesome. i think i'm gonna go with the 8 by 10 i just like the bed is so big and heavy it needs something to like stand on. substantial. yeah. absolutely, no scale is really, really important i mean, this is also very luxurious. the fluffy that's something i was leaning towards. oh well hello. why don't you just take both we like options let's do the fluffy and the straps both 8 by 10's. perfect done. let's gather in the front because you only have a couple minutes left all right oh i'm sweating i'm sweating
i'm like sweatinghow to we get the rugs? rug person hello. hello, but we are here to interrupt you because we have a big secret oh it's not really a secret we're about to tell you we're launching memberships what the heck does that mean? it's really easy to find there's a big join button now on our channel you guys just click that and you can sign up to be a member and we're so excited about it because it's giving us an opportunity to just bring you guys more special curated content and connect with you. but here's the question, mr. kate
why would i want to become a member when i'm already a subscriber and i get so much great content for free. free good question don't worry we are going to obviously be continuing to bring you. nothing is going to change. the same content we're not gonna change anything on our actual channel. we're just going to bring you more if you join. more like what? well, what do you ask joey? this is big. this is really big and we were like, oh my gosh should we do this should we do it vlogs! so you guys have been asking for us to vlog for so long we were always like oh my gosh should we shouldn't we i, we don't know we did some shopping vlogs like back in the day
which a lot of you liked but we were like we just want to keep giving you guys these big tv quality content but there is a lot of stuff that goes along behind the scenes like the design process the shopping just our general life so we're really excited to bring you guys vlogs to all of our members so that's gonna be super exciting super exclusive content for you. and what else joey? live chats! this is the place where we get to connect with you submit your design questions on the live chat submit any questions like we want to be open books for you guys. so those will be really fun also as a member you get to have emojis and badges. badges these are custom. they're so creative weirdo inspired cute. you guys are gonna love these and these are just to signify fun
and also how long you've been a member. those will show up when you're commenting on our videos. so everyone will know that you're a member, what else? discount code!oh yeah, discount code! who doesn't like a discount code so you guys know we have a shop i don't know if you know that but we do we make all kinds of products including these freckles. hello freckle beauty marks, so you members will be receiving exclusive discount codes throughout the year to use on your purchases. so that's pretty fun you guys will also be able to obviously access the community page and exclusive updates and conversations with us on all the community posts and that's all on the membership back end once you join it's really easy to figure out. so it's only $4.99 a month
which is like less than your daily venti, you know favorite drinky thingy at your local coffee shop. so we really hope that it's affordable for those of you that want to join and we really will work hard on our end to make sure it's fun awesome content that you guys can soak up and get inspired by. thank you so much for listening we'll see you over on our community my legs are burning bye joey has to crouch thank you. this is actually what it would look like guys times up times up time's up!time's up!
why are you behind the couch? transported time traveled.time travel! time's uptime's up travel stop ashley, stop shopping, hannah come on. all right, you guys feel good. i feel great. this is epic shopping i'm excited. we're excited too. yay. no matter what these are gonna be both beautiful rooms. yeah. i'm excited to see like the difference i know me too. yeah totally who do you think is gonna win? me obviously even though
i am the confidence is shedding i mean i'm obviously gonna win yeah all right, see you in the morningokay let's go good morning we are on our way to the studio today is a huge day we are going to be helping the contestants install their designs we have the diy supplies purchased. we have some crew people on hand to help them with their diy
obviously joey's here too all be helping um, and then the judges are coming later today this is big daybig day so we've just got all of our stuff off the truck this is my pile of a lot of things and this is ashley's i honestly don't think we have enough stuff. yeah, we might need to go shopping again, which would be fun i feel really good about today yesterday was super chaotic like the hustle and bustle but today is gonna be fun. my daughter did her first ever 7 hour stretch and i slept for two hours of it so that was a missed opportunity. all right, so we're giving them little space. we haven't called in the camera crews yet we just have our vlog cam. we're here to help them get started. today's gonna be crazy
so they just got to figure out where everything's going and then we just got to get the stuff there. yeah all right time to pow wow about the diy project. good morning. how are ya? okay. so your goal is you want to do a panel of like a shiplap effect.yeah she really wants to do some sort of shiplap element right so we figured out a cool way to do that without spending too much money we're just gonna rip down some quarter-inch plywood and make a fake shiplap effect, but like shiplap traditionally has that tying groove so it laps over itself. yeah, okay it laps
yeah it laps yeah, i'm thinking likeso those are our borders? yes. wood. so molding pieces? yeah to kind of seal it in so that's, that's how long you're strip will be.yeah and then you'll have your moldingthat's good we'll get that wood, we'll get those supplies going i think it will be cool it's gonna be so pretty yes. okay high-five okay, so i did some sketches last night just based on the furniture we picked out so up here which is not on the sketch is where the living walls gonna go?
so basically, we just have to build out really simple wood and then i'm probably gonna put some like styrofoam in here so like a wood frame? wood frame yeah. one by four. so like so basically what we'll do a box will miter a box exactly i should be getting you, you're talking about the details. yeah, so basically we'll, we'll just get a long, a long piece of wood that's the very affordable project yes a long piece of like 1x4 and we'll miter it into a frame. yes. so the biggest diy project in the space is my living wall it's like the crowning moment of the room. it's gonna go right above the bed and there'll be a mix of like drippy plants
succulents, yeah, it'll look so cool and then the moss can cover up the green. are you wanting to stain your frame or paint your frame? i think i'm gonna go with like a deeper either like a deeper hazelnut color or like a really dark or espresso color for that. but paint or stain? stain, just like the roughness of it. good plans. all right, we have a lot to do hannah! that's so cute thank you holy you just free handed that?
well i stepped back a lot to look at it but but yes that is so impressive it looks so freakin cute i'm so glad that you got the lighter color with the darker bed. that's really pretty great perfect fit so i have these crates that i'd like to use for side tables i was trying to decide if i want to mount these ones with the unfinished mm-hmm i have ones that i've painted white you know, what i could do, i could do this one horizontal that one if we do the chair next to it vertically
could play up the asymmetry even more. yeah yeah, i love that. i love the pine and then you have the the darker wood here that is freakin awesome. oh my gosh. but do you think like two distress gray metal mirrors on the same wall right there is like too much. no, i think that you have the wicker, the white, the wood breaking it up i like this tone it matches it's very modern farmhouse. ladies three hours left it looks so good wait
those letters turned out so cool i know that so it's chalk behind it to get like a shadow and then i did some like string art here so all right guystime's up! time's up! throw blankets down. yes, thank you hands up. you guys it looks amazing, you guys it's so good so good i'm so proud of you guys oh my god, i'm gonna cry. okay before we bring in the judges you guys can check out each others spaces now's the moment moment of truth. go for it.i'm so excited i'm sure you did really good
oh my god! wow!oh my gosh! ashley's room is amazing. it's act. the wall color is my master bedroom color at my house and i love it so much. oh my god, i feel like i just walked into like a magazine or something. i am completely blown away i think she did an amazing job and honestly, i think it's so amazing to see the contrast between our rooms but it almost kind of feels like they could still be in the same house if that even makes sense we have the best group of creative weirdos you guys
literally we these are two creative weirdos who watch our videos just like all of you and seeing them look at each other's rooms and just soak it in and just be truly supportive of each other is like it's very sweet, they're being really, really sweet. all right, so we're gonna just walk the judges through what the challenge is and we will get them prepared. the contestants are eagerly awaiting their walk throughs so it's about to get real. yeah our esteemed judges thank you so much for doing this. these rooms that these two contestants turned out are really great it's gonna be hard to pick so here's the situation so jocelyn you judged on the last episode and it was a little bit more they just had to decorate. okay. they can kind of choose whatever they wanted to do. they could decorate within their own personal style
yes, it was amazing so this time we wanted to challenge them with more parameters like kind of how you would have being a professional designer out in the world, so we gave them a modern farmhouse style, which obviously, you know the mane and mason line from ashley homestore in particular showcases that so it's, it's an on-trend style, but we challenged them to also bring in a diy element solove that, love that we've got the queen of diy here with us as a judge.oh my goodness but they also decided to bring in some personal items from their home as well to just further personalize the space
they had 24 hours to design, shop, and install. the winner is going to get a thousand dollar gift card to ashley homestore both rooms are gonna win too because the designs of the rooms are going to be donated to a sense of home oh my gosh, i love a sense of homei love that oh you know it yes it's a charity who helps individuals aging out of the foster system. so everyone's winning today ultimately yeah, like this is a space for somebody else not themselves. so how did they use the space planning? how is it just functionally as sort of a basic room for an individual since they don't really know the individual is it? gender-neutral
etc. and also just how they use the floor plan we're gonna send you into each room with that contestant or but that's your time to grill them and you know take in whatever you need to take in to really determine who should be the champion of design vs. design. mm-hmm are you guys ready?yeslet's do it ready to be judgeyyes i don't know oh manashley this is our contestant ashley, these are our wonderful amazing judges, this is a lauren hi
this is joslynhi and sam. hi the judges are here they're about to look at our spaces i'm not gonna say i'm sweating not gonna say i'm not but hopefully they can see the vision hopefully they can kind of feel the vibe that i was going for i'm really excited to hear their feedback, but i'm also kind of scared to death so ashley here has been working very, very hard very talented thank you. lady we're both very proud as mentors of the work that you've done. so i'm really excited for this
how many hours of sleep did you get last night? negative twelve wow i love that totally worth it, totally worth it oh good i'm glad you're saying that now and you have the queen of diy here no pressure no pressure but all right
take them in!we'll stay out here let's clear the way, judges go on in. oh my god. well, welcome to our farm-fresh bedroom whoa! this is so cute wait i'm obsessed this is my number one diy, there's a lot of diy there's a lot of diy moments going on but this is like the crowning jewel of the room also i did a diy pipe shelf over down here that's so cool i was gonna ask you about the diy to
because i don't think i've ever seen anything like that. that's really unique. thank you it is a diy and i just wanted it to be kind of raw so i didn't want to put any like wooden shelves on it i just wanted the books to kind of sit against the wall can have that really nice contrast and i feel like it creates a really cool moment for this sort of dual desk vanity area and then i love your sculpture. oh thank you is he dabbing?are we dabbing? he's dabbing but hopefully in victoryyeah
in victory i love thatthank you so these are also diys over here, this is kind of a moment i made these two picture frames you made those frames? i didn't make the frames but i did the inserts and that's actually it's a table mat like a placemat and i just cut them out and i pasted them in there and i felt like it gave it some cool texture and color and wait so did you pick the paint color too? i did, yeah. ooh, this is it's so nice. it's like a good neutral like yeahthat's what i was going for yeah, so i love that this actually says farm fresh and there's a lot of things in the room that are actually useful like someone is going to be living in this room yes!and sometimes the most beautiful rooms are like not necessarily realistic
yeah, but you have a good dresser and this could be like for laundry or something probably totally!you could put belts on this thanks, if it's a girl's room they could hang their earrings and stuff jewelry so hopefully it will act as that maybe like some cool scarves and stuff and then storage underneath because i have a lot of stuff. so i was just kind of putting myself in their shoes what drew you to this bed in particular? what i think is super cool is like these iron kind of like detail those are barn doorsexactly they looked like barn doors so i'm like yes this is
a farm like let's put it in hereperfect mix yeah, you mix and match with a lot of materials which i'm personally a fan of i love seeing like metals with different woods and like different materials even just the pillow game pillow game is amazingpillow game strong pillow game strong i am quite the comfy girl, so i like to have lots of pillows i don't lay on all of them, but i like to feel like a really soft little environment so as far as balancing the materials again going back to like my blueprint of like okay, balance the masculine or feminine make it androgynous
um the crate where'd you pull this from or what made you choose that as a site piece so i diy'd these as well they came in more like the raw color like the birch color but i wanted to darken it up a little bit to kind of meld with the room and i love that you brought the books because i think book styling is having such a moment right now. totally i agree so what would you say it was like the biggest challenge the biggest hurdle that you kind of overcame with the room? overcoming like the time constraint was probably my biggest challenge. what was the last piece you added? i'm always interested to like see cause the last one is always like the final touchi'm not sure the best one.the best one
like the best idea is at the very end. yes the last thing to be completed was this diy above the bed and it was really important to like, like you said frame it out perfectly so this literally went up last and i'm so glad because i feel like it just tied everything together at the end so well ashley, i'm so i think we're all so impressedfor sure thank you so much this is all really amazing. thank you. and i think we've, we've seen it all it's time to move on but thank you for the tour this is like next level thanks for stopping by come back any time.we'll be back
if you need to borrow some eggs you know yes exactly see ya bye the judges seemed to like the space so i'm really excited about their good energy so it's tough it they're really tough to read. i think it's purposeful. so who knows it could go either way oh hannah okay so this is our other contestant hannah nice to me you this is lauren, joslyn, and sam okay, so this is your chance to sell your room to the judges so you really want to walk them through everything that you've done to make this space uniquely your design and
yeah, it's just your chance to, to potentially win design vs. design i hope you like the mural of my face that i did it's gonna be great i'm excited to show you guys. i'm really proud of it let's do itokay welcome to my room chalk wall, chalk wall! you have great handwriting thank you that's gorgeous! no joslyn, do you see the wall look at her handwriting up there?what! how did you do that? a ladder
thank you, well, i'll i'll start here. yes. so this is the dresser for like a practical storage solution i like the idea of because we have the black wall here of sort of having something to anchor each space so we were able to get the black desk and the darker highboy and in these i hand wrote just in little picture frames from ashley and. oh my gosh. this is one of my favorite hymns so i put it on one of my old hymnals. i collect them. oh, that's yours that's mine yeah. that's so cool. oh, yeah. so then this was my diy project to do some shiplap oh my god, i didn't even. oh! i didn't even realize it was a diy. i like that's how good it looks. thank you, thank you i think it's great cause it utilizes how high these walls are and so we ended up just getting some plywood and
cutting out even flat slats. yeah, and so we just put it against there and we're able to nail it in i think the overall effect for the amount of work put in is like really worth itfor sure and then this is one of my favorite spots right here it's gonna get sappy sentimental for a second, but this was the time of day my daughter was born aw! and then she's named after elizabeth from the bible and also elizabeth bennett from pride and prejudice so there's a jane austen book. so it's like a little ode to my child it's terrible when you have kids you like can only talk about your children, i'm the worst but anyway, this is my other baby from my house. is that alive? it's alive. wow! impressive yeah
not even fake. i'm impressed. thank you. yeah so i wanted to keep green kind of as the biggest pop up color i, i love plants and i love that the farmhouse vibe kind of has that and what about the pendant light? i loved this when i saw it in the store. i was really excited that y'all had it i had originally wanted to do a circular piece over the bed the bed ended up being higher than i thought it was going to be so what i decided to do is try to center it so that when you're looking from this way that is kind of like this center of the bed. so that sort of fills in that space there yeah, i tried to balance the masculine and feminine
just to make it a space that anybody would feel comfortable in how did you figure out choosing like the white bed and the dark bed and like the black table? i took a gamble kind of in the store and i was like i really hope this pays off and i like think it does um, i knew i had the thank you the anchor feature wall of the chalkboard so i knew i wanted something light against that so it would contrast i think the black works against the wall with the shiplap yeah, but also still have moments like throughout that made it feel connected but like what was the most difficult part of the whole thing? i think for me. i was really fearful of cluttering because i tend to do that at my house
um, so i was trying to maximize negative space. another thing that i think i'm so impressed with that is a struggle for some of us the pillow game it's so good how did you come up with this like little group this little friendship group of pillows? well, i only pulled about seventeen we had like an embarrassing amount of pillows with it, so i'm really happy with how it turned out. i'm so glad you like it love all of it, honestly this is a great room, but i think we have some deliberating to do. seriously major deliberation. i don't envy you because i am obsessed with her room i know they're both amazing thank you for the tour thank you this is awesome
so judges you do not have an easy task ahead of you i'm stressed are you really stressed? do you feel like pretty split right now? oh yeah 100% i get that i mean they both did really well and i think it's interesting to see how they both interpreted the modern farmhouse thing and also both chose the same floor plan because obviously they had that's true, i didn't even think about that i mean, they really equally committed themselves to the challenge hannah is from texas so, i mean we didn't know this ahead of time but the but the modern farmhouse style was kind of more her personal taste whereas ashley leans a little bit more towards like the bohemian mid-century kind of more like your style vibes
so and yours, i don't know what your personal style is so it was like a little bit more of a challenge for her in that respect to bring herself to the modern farmhouse style probably the most intel i can give you cause other than that they're both are you know experienced diyers but not experienced professional designers. so on a diy front i love both of them. i mean, i'm such a sucker for a chalkboard wall yes! and also like a chalkboard wall plus being able to write in like calligraphy and script i was blown away, that was the first pass that she did that.are you kidding, that was her first try?are you kidding me, are you kidding me? she was like bring over a ladder, i was like what! and it's so straight and it looks amazing so i love the chalkboard wall
and i also love the contrast of the black chalkboard wall which is customizable and the white bed frame. i think that looks great yeah, but then it's so tough because on ashley's side it's like the flip with the light walls the dark bed and i love that diy like i love air plants and stuff like that. and i think it's so cute and that string diy is something that i that was like one of my first diys ever like seven years ago as laurdiy so it makes me a little nostalgic oh my gosh! she probably watched your video maybe she did it looks better than mine, than mind did. i don't think she watched my tutorial oh my gosh, and in the shiplap, i didn't even touch on that like that's such a cool
farmhouse thing as well that i think she really pulled together. and that's it's so in right now. it's so in right now and it also gives that vanity spot a nice focus absolutely, she created almost like a nook for that desk in a straight wall. it was unexpected. yeah yeah i agree. i'm honestly just so impressed with the fact that both of them stayed so within the perimeters of this challenge because there's so many elements not just the farmhouse element the modern piece as well the fact that they had to do a diy and then it's a gender-neutral room and in 24 hours. what? oh my god. i am literally like but i have heart burn just thinking about all of that i know! they are very sleep deprived i think but also just from stress they went home and they just were like last minute pintresting
you know ideas and they came in with like their plants and their stuff from home, you know but that's the sign of like that they really cared, you know, that they really did put with that i will leave you to your very hard task and don't tell me i'm gonna find out with the contestants. okay. so you'll write it down and alright deliberate thank you!thank you! oh gosh! we have problems. we have major problems. major, major problems. major problem at hand. i feel sweaty with stress all right, we've got our two wonderful contestants here guys, thank you so much. thank you so much judges for your careful deliberation we just want to hear a little bit from you directly to the contestants your final thoughts before we announce the winner hannah and ashley
this was by no means an easy decision. both of you are incredibly talented. this was really tough for us but starting with your room hannah i think the thing i really loved about it. was that you? executed so well on the farmhouse modern the only thing i have a slight critique on the curtains i felt like the blue poof was a little more feminine maybe if i'd seen that like a gray or a taupe or something i would have loved it a little more and for you ashley. i loved your room so much too the one thing that stood out to me hands-down was your pillow game, pillow game so strong because i know for a fact how hard it is to put together a little fun fest like that and i want to get cozy in that bed one thing that i would say was like a slight
downside for me was just how many things were in the room i think you could have pulled back on maybe a few items, but beyond that fantastic. oh my gosh, okay i'm like i could not be in any more agreement that this was the hardest decision ever and that i could live in both these rooms so easily. okay, so hannah starting with your room my favorite thing is a chalkboard wall like you saw my reaction i died as soon as i walked in and to be able to do calligraphy like that is just incredible and it looks so amazing and if i had to pick something to critique on i think it would be the lack of a
centerpiece over the top of the bed so when you're looking at the headboard straight on i think you're totally right the light fills that space so perfectly but from the side there's a little bit of an empty space there and then ashley for your room my first reaction was i love the hanging lights i love bringing outdoor lights indoors and i think it was such a nice piece and again draws your eyes upwards which i loved and then again if i had to pick something to critique on i would have probably swapped out the two little stools or barrels at the end of the bed maybe for like a bench or something hannah for you. i loved your use of the different wood elements, it really gave it that eclectic feel the only critique i had was that one stool kind of lonesome by himself. just the placement was like throwing me off
and then for ashley i loved your use of the metals with the galvanize and you have the piping and the only thing i didn't like that flat line against that wall everything was just one, one place. i'd have liked a little more spaced out great critiques, obviously you guys have put some really careful thought into it i know we have two very nervous contestants here, but you guys have the winner ready in that envelope. okay, i don't know yet.we do, right here i'm just as nervous for you guys oh my gosh! okay. how are you guys feeling? terrified i feel
everythingready for a nap regardless of who wins your hard work is gonna pay off because the rooms are gonna be donated to a sense of home which is amazing so winners all around but only one of you can win the thousand dollar gift card to ashley home store and be crowned the winner of this episode of design vs. design all right, so with that the winner is i thought you were going to say ashley, yours was so good congratulations you did so amazing.thank you i know how hard this was for the judges
thank youthank you guys oh my gosh i don't have cute reaction faces how are you feeling? she's peeing i'm like still shook i don't know shook she's shook everybody she's shooki'm shook everybody all right, well that is it for this episode of design vs design, thank you so much contestants literally you guys put your heart and soul into this and i'm so glad the truck is on its way to
pick up for charity. so just both of you feel so good for all of that love and energy you put in because they are going to good places. these rooms are gonna really make a change in someone's life so that's amazing guys huge thanks to ashley homestore for partnering with us on this video and our judges thank you so much to our judges sam lauren joslyn, we are going to be obviously putting everyone's info down in the description below you better go subscribe and then of course also follow our lovely contestants as well. all of the info will be below. thank you so much for putting all of this energy into it and make sure you guys comment below with ideas for the next design vs. design because we have lots of these planned
so we need to know what, what room should we do next guys you can be winners to link in the description for the $5,000 sweepstakes. you can also win some ashley homestore stuff. so everyone's winners. yay. okay, great. so that's it. yay. we're gonna celebrate stay creative, stay weird, stay you because why not bye we love youbye creative weirdoes a quick reminder if you want to become a member you go to youtube.com backslash, mr. kate and click on the join button and it will sign you up to receive vlogs discount codes, live chats, all the exclusive badges, and emojis etc. and i'm so excited to be doing this