wohnzimmer ideen dunkle möbel

wohnzimmer ideen dunkle möbel

a tiny living room can be a dead end for some people as they can do nothing due to the limited space. if you happen to have a small living room,chill! in this video, you’re going to find 10 ideason how to optimize small living room so that it can be the best place for you to hang out in. as usual this idea is brought to you by simphome.com 10. combine your furniture thoroughly you might find it hard to get the best furniture that suits your tight living room well;

something that is not only functional, but also aesthetical. here are some tips to pick furniture itemsfor your living room. a. go with a large sectional sofa and oneor two compact chairs if your living room is in a compact space with one or two wideopen sizes. you can also try an armless sectional anda plush ottoman. b. the sofa will enable you to lounge whenyou are alone while the ottoman can make a great coffee table to put your popcorn onor an additional seat for more guests. to make it more appealing, you can add a fewpillows that have the same patterns or colors as the curtains or ottoman to bring harmonyto your limited space.

9. uncover the windows letting the natural light pass through theliving room will make it look bigger and airier. therefore, don’t go overboard with the windowtreatments. if you want to accentuate your big windowsas well as protecting you from the glare, you can go with curtains. make sure that the curtains have the samecolor as the wall so that they flow into a single unit without any separation. don’t forget to pull back the curtains duringthe day so that your living room can get sufficient lighting.

8. invest in a huge mirror this is another convenient trick that youcan use to make your small living space look visually bigger – a huge mirror. a huge mirror has the ability to reflect lightsand everything in front of it, making the room seem larger than it really is. well, you can hire illusion to reverse yourdisadvantage though. also, this add on will be beneficial for yourguest trying to win their self-deprecating problem. however, i don't recommend this idea if youconstantly feel weird

every time you stare your own reflection. mainly in the middle of the night, when you are alone 7. light hues always work painting the wall black and investing in dark furniture will make a living room look elegant. for a small living room, however, dark hueswill just make it look more cramped. on the other hand, light hues like white orbaby blue will make the room felt more open and roomier because they tend to reflect lights. thus, paint the walls white and install bigwhite tiles

will be able to make your living room appear larger. 6. use multifunctional furniture items a small living room might hinder you fromputting many furniture items since they will gobble the room up and you’ll end up not having enough space to move through. if that’s the case, you can try gettingmultifunctional furniture items. one of the best choices is an ottoman featuringa hidden storage space. not only for your bottom, you can use it asa coffee table for your snacks when watching netflix.

you can also ditch the tray to get an additionalseat, and hide the clutter into the storage space of the ottoman so that your living roombecomes clean and clutter-free. 5. light the living room up as i’ve mentioned earlier, acquiring sufficientlighting is essential for a tiny living room. if your living room has plenty of windows,congratulations! but if it doesn’t, you can always use artificiallighting. they will just do in a pinch. first, put a standing lamp next to an armchairor sofa,

and second, install some recessed led lights. refurbished or brand new lamp is no problem 4. go with a bigger embellishment some people might think that an undersizedliving room requires small adornments and furniture items. it turns out that those itty-bitty accessories just take up the space without any particular order. so, why don’t you go bigger? i know that it might sound odd, but don’tyou think that one bigger adornment

is better than a bunch of smaller ones? just put a tall vase at the corner or a largepainting on the wall. i assume, it would be more exciting. 3. show what you are really into don’t restrain yourself from showing whoyou really are and what you are keen on just because you have a compact living room. you can still impress your guests by decoratingit based on your life style and hobbies. if you are into beach, you can paint the ceilingand wall white. add some baby blue or aquamarine items toembody the sea.

fluffy ivory rug can warm your feet up aswell as conjuring up the image of the soft beach sand. to kick it up a notch, a coral crystal lighthangs above the coffee table. 2. use exposed-leg furniture the idea of optimizing a small living room is to make it seem more spacious as well as looking awesome. and to make it happen, you need to exposeany space available in it. one of the simple ways to expose more spacein your limited area is by placing an exposed-leg sofa or loveseat and some arm chairs.

the exposed legs enable your eyes to browseempty space under your sofa. other benefit, when your schedule call youto clean and sweep the floor, you don’t have to search a silly excuse first. before we get to number 1, i suggest to press subscribe button above comment area if this channel is new to you, this way, you will get a new notification every time i published a new video. 1. making shelves near the ceiling instead of purchasing a bulky shelf that takesup a lot of space, you can make some shelves right under your ceiling.

it provides more space on the floor so thatyou can move through freely. besides, installing some shelves near theceiling will draw the eyes upwards which makes which make the room appear a bit sized. the other good thing is you can make it yourself which means you can save more money as well as space. so, that’s all the 10 ideas of how to optimizeyour compact living room. that’s it for now, before you leave, i welcome you to use comment area if you have anything to say. press like button because you still let my voice fills your brain

and see you again with more video like this in the near future. i hope. see you again next time and thanks for watching.

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