wandgestaltung mit gelber farbe
baby joy joy! what's inside the jack in the box? what will it be? turn the crank, and turn it again. "pop!", goes the egg. a white egg on a white top! and red stripes! goes the bunny.
a pink bunny with a pink umbrella. (wow!) ...goes the pig. a red pig with a red apple. goes the kitty! a blue kitty with a blue scarf. blue! pink!
red! white! goes the monkey! a brown monkey wearing brown boots. goes the lamb. a black lamb with a black hat. goes the duck. a yellow duck with a yellow ball. and colorful fireworks!
we found a white egg on a white top and red stripes, (white!) a pink bunny with a pink umbrella, (pink!) a red pig with a red apple, (red!) a blue kitty with a blue scarf, (blue!)
a brown monkey wearing brown boots, (brown!) a black lamb with a black hat, (black!) a yellow duck with a yellow ball, (yellow!) and colorful fireworks!