badewanne fiberglas

badewanne fiberglas

today we are on long island to explore one of the most infamous abandoned asylums in america. kings park psychiatric center the hospital was established in the early 19th century in order to relive overcrowding from asylums closer to new york city and continued growing into the 1950s. at it's peak, it had over 100 buildings, housing over 9,000 patients eventually, after the rise of pharmaceuticals as a treatment method for mental illness, a majority of asylums across the country began to shut down. *epic music* quickly after closure, vandals began to attack the building, covering the walls with graffiti, and leaving a majority of the rooms heavily damaged, and completely empty. today the ruins of asylums like kings park, are a surviving remnant of our history of mental health treatment. but they won't be here forever.

join us, as we take you inside to see what's left. *our epic intro* the first building we're exploring, is the storehouse. this is where food and supplies for the hospital would have been kept. our friend shotalive has been to this location many times before, will be exploring with us today. looks like... all the... pipes and stuff fell off the roof and walls! crazy scene.

there's kids out there. can you go in there? it's just a weird little tunnel. probably to run pipes or something. the second floor appeared to be empty. so we decided to venture down into the basement. *walking down stairs* it's significantly colder down here. mm hmm.

it's really- it smells bad too. i bet there's a tunnel entrance in here. it looks pretty wet. there's paint cans. whoa. nasty. that slides down. like a trash chute. *whispers* hey, stop walking a second!

it's the kids. let's keep moving. shh. they're back there! once outside, we set our sights onto the next building to explore. building 93. *sad music* at 13 stories tall, it is the largest in the complex. it was built in the year 1939, in order to house the geriatric patients, as well as those with physical illness.

the construction of this building marked a change in the facility, from a farm colony, to a more typical high rise asylum, which is what kings park was originally designed to avoid. this time period also marked the beginnings of mental illness treatment methods that today would be considered primitive by most. electroshock therapy, and lobotomies. although electric shock therapy is still done today, in a humane manner, there is evidence to suggest that it was used primarily as a form of punishment within mental asylums of this time. alright, now i'm getting my mask on. looks like a restraining table. they could like turn the patient completely upright.

why? short...wave...diathermy. no clue what this stuff would have done. we are actually hiding here because we hear people coming in the way we just entered. we're not so used to encountering other people while exploring, so we expected it to be police, or security. hey oh! *laughs*

as you can see, it's just some folks going for a stroll through the local abandoned insane asylum! this looks like it was a kitchen. yeah this place is so popular, we've already run into like 4 other groups of people here. it's like we're in some tourist destination place right now. kinda ruins the vibe but.. whatever. this is a good shot right here. yeah! it's like security and the cops just completely stopped giving a sh*t about this place.

like there are so many people in here, it's like a tourist destination right now. *inaudible mask talk* there's some kids coming down the stairs right now. do you wanna pop out and scare em'? yeah! lets scare em'! shh. oh no. that's way too loud. yeah, i remember this. hey!

*more laughing* how we doing guys? we could hear you guys. you serious? yeah. right out there *multiple conversations and mumbling* go straight, go down the hall, and make a left.

what type of camera is that? a 60. *mumbling* it's a fun camera. is that 4k?!? what? this? oh, no. you need a show gun to do 4k video. iphones shoot 4k. how come you're using those? *mumbling about cameras*. alright, this is crazy.

this is nuts! i'll be your tour guide. this is basically disney world right now. there's people outside having a picnic. like right in front of this building. i saw them. they've got like a blanket set up and everything. i can see down to the next floor right there. it's the elevator hall.

more elevators. there was definitely a big fire up on this floor. judging by the condition of the ceiling. whoa! watch out for that one. oh my god. hey! i'd be really careful up here. lot of holes. you're fine. nothing to fall through.

want to go on and go to the outside? there? no. right up this.. what are you shooting by the way? a video. oh my god! *laughing and mumbling* it's like, you guys exploring with josh all of a sudden. also there's metal.

alright. one at a time, on this plank right here. kind of like wave to the cops from up here. there's holes up here too, so be careful. that's just a pipe. not enough to fall through completely, but enough to hurt your ankle. the view is pretty amazing. imagine the drone going over. oh yeah! there's kids skateboarding through here down there.

some guy had to come first, and spraypaint down the roof. and then convince this girl to come all the way into this abandoned asylum, go to the roof with him. just to ask her to prom. hope she said yes. that's dedication gonna do it. yeah, you'll fall down.

these wei- these stairs are weird, they like overlap each other and it gets annoying. oh, is this the hole you're talking about? *inaudible mask mumbling* slammed it, we thought the roof was going to come down. it goes 2 floors down. holy crap! you do not want to fall in there! it's a 2-story drop. *background talk* *more background talk*

don't climb it. *ladder banging on metal* so you like, have to reverse sides of the ladder when you are halfway up. lemme see where this goes to. what's up there? nothing? just the top of this green thing? that's not worth it then. is there a view? no? alright then i'm not doing it.

it's got some inertia. no it's just i'm that strong. you just turned the a/c on. oh wow! who wants to go for a swim? in this little hot tub? we hear someone flying their drone around here. now we're trying to find it. yeah! its right there there is a point where there is too many people to consider it "abandoned".

there's- it's probably flying like right above us. wuh wuh wuh. they couldn't find the entrance where's the drone? there he is! up there. we could throw a rock at it. wait, that's a security drone. that's how they patrol this place. oh look! there they are! at the front. alright, time to head back down. i wonder how many people are gonna run through here.

after making it to the top of building 93, we decided to move on to the next building, as there wasn't much left to see inside. the way we came in most insane asylums from this time are completely self-sufficient with their own utility buildings. here's the facilities power-generating plant that was used to supply power to the entire complex, separate from the regular electric grid. we could go in that window. *loud sirens*

what is it? there's nothing really here. i remember a little kid telling me there's nothing over here. we'll see. do you know what that is? we heard that at the tb hospital we went to. so this looks like a control room for the power plant. i'm gonna go up. this looks awesome. some of those grates feel a bit loose.

this is all asbestos. no it looks like fiberglass... maybe. or something. actually no, that could be asbestos. it probably is. put your mask on. i should. yeah, looks catchy. the catwalk.

all these things here were connected to the uh... smokestack. they all go out to that tunnel. and there's the ones that went to the stack. i wanna see what's up there. let's check it out. no it goes higher is that the smokestack? where it used to be. just the thing shaking from brian running fast.

ok this goes way up. looks pretty cool. i dunno. nice arm workout. yeah. looks like a workout thing. like you'd put weights here. that's the building we were in before. pretty tall. we decided to head to the basement to search for tunnels, an use them to travel to the quad-building.

there's your tunnel that goes to 93. there's only 2 tunnels that branch out and that goes in the direction of 93. this one probably goes to the building we haven't been to yet. watch out. looks slippery. and there goes the shoes. just don't lose your balance. then you're screwed. damn this is like really nasty. *mask mumbling* yeah let's do it!

if this hooks a right, then it goes to the right place. let him go explore a little bit. oh yeah this goes... help back there? watch out for spiders and sh*t. and cave crickets. they are usually easy to navigate because all the turns are 90 degrees. there we go. goes in the right direction.

this all asbestos? or... this? probably asbestos. but it's all sealed up still. it stopped coming out. it's the asbestos. probably see we can go over this. no cave crickets yet, thankfully. they'll speak to you soon. i mean they are harmless, they are just scary.

2 levels upon us. going up though. this group of buildings, known as the "quad", was general housing for geriatric patients. check out that ray of light. i don't know, is this the building? this is the quad. we're still in the basement i think. the stairs are here. usually around the 1st floor.

this is the big one i was pointing at, from uh.. the roof of 93. look at that scale. let's see if it still works! get a picture of me. it might work. yeah, this is the middle right here. i think. it seems like there was a kitchen on every floor, right in the middle.

well there's the car. it broke. into pieces. wow, is that really it? the smashed up thing? no. it's buried underneath bedframes. that's what it is. i see it way down there, and if you notice the stuff on top of it. here's the roof. got it? yeah, this is easy! gimme your hand to me?

i see the little ledge. alright, your turn. gimme your hand. i got it. and now, it's my turn! oh. there was a door out. there's a door open, want to just come around? i have to go down a floor. alright, i'll just come there.

i know where that is there you are. *partially sad music* we only have about an hour until sunset, and look at the size of this building! i don't know how we are going to do it. could be... hard to get half of this done in an hour! this was the more modern surgical and office building. it was extremely destroyed by vandals, and graffiti artists. let's go straight to the top, because this looks cleaned out.

you guys look closely i'm take 2. this place is really destroyed. wow this looks really cool straight ahead. the tunnel leads right out there. look at the elevator right here. damn. wow! all the cables are snapped. wanna go inside? f*ck that.

look at this hallway, though. we could run down that way. the way the tunnel. there is the morgue. can you imagine like trying to reach out of that? like got inside of that. i've been inside one of these before. not one as scary though. sucked all the dead air out?

oh these were like freezers, right? yeah, that's what they are. they would freeze the bodies, before they had their funeral. after checking out a few interesting things, we realized that not much was left inside. because we were running short on time, we decided to head straight to the roof. *long inaudible conversation* uhhh... so many people in this place. it's crazy! have you ever seen this many people here?

one of these stairs are loose. be careful. which one? uh.. hows it going? last time i was here, my boy vic popped out. i hear music. stop! wow. where you guys from?

city. we're from florida. *laughs* i almost tripped over that. oh we forgot the drone. meh. too much work. it's dead anyway. that building way over there, that's where we were before. you guys should come at nighttime. it's pretty good. see that part over there? go through the vents and go through the door right there and we opened it.

alright, we are getting down because that guy on the roof told us that by sunset, the cop waits by the parked cars, waiting for people to get back. let's hustle, it's pretty much sunset by now. at night, the cops apparently sit outside, and if they see any cars parked, so we are going to pack up, and get out now. *outro music*

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