badewanne nach fieber

badewanne nach fieber

thank you very much. good afternoon, i hopeduring lunch you all drank plenty of this precious resource. water gives life,it also gives energy - this will be a core issue, but it also informs, transports,dissolves, etc. i'll tell you a little something, aboutwhere energy comes from, when we - cheers - take a sip. so, always enjoy the water - now

and also later, when we will be talking about the oceans. it is a possibility to immediately connect with this element. we are surrounded by water, thewater molecules are dancing in the air, we can see the water outside. it's easy to embark onthe journey to planet water. my background is in geography -thank you for introducing me. many people aren'thuge fans of geography. many think, well, then you know wherethis place is, or that - and that's it. we geographers just laughat that, it's what we call

postman-geography,that's nice too... but, what really interests usare the processes that take place on the earth's surface. the processes that create forms -what made this landscape the way it is around us? what shaped the landscape? and that's a little, where ifound my passion when i'm standingoutside, in nature, it's just such a miracle, when you seeall these elements connected

in nature, in the landscapes. from large-scale,down to the smallest detail there are alwaysrepeating patterns. we have to learn toonce more see nature through the eyesof our children. we need to be in awe, so wecan see water for what it is. it really is a miracle. it is the cradle of life. then, unfortunately,also in my presentation -

but a much smaller part, comparedto all the things we heard in the morning about the pollutionthat is happening on our planet. i just want to show you -also, to provide a connection to this morning - i am verygrateful to the two speakers, they have saved mea lot of work. sebastian - withinformation on pesticides, and we also heard a lotabout cosmetics. as i said, let's see how thateffects the water. in short - i would rather work towards thequestion - where does the pollution start?

and, in that respect, water is justthe perfect medium to show you, the people, to make you awarethat it is so much more than just this physical pollution. of course, that's a problem,and we need to take action. but it really startssomewhere else. i think, with a few pictures, you will - hopefully, i dohope so - understand it. we will also talk a littleabout the nature of water. what can the water do?

as i said, i want toamaze you, and i will be cherry-picking a fewthings, where i will be using scientific models to try and show youall the things water can do. it all tapers to a point whenwe talk about water and order. water can have a structure. order could alsobe called balance - yesterday, paul probst had a lot to sayabout the balance in our bodies. of course, this is alsonecessary in nature. we are also nature, we can'tseparate ourselves from nature.

the processes areactually very similar, and also the patterns,which always amazes me. we consist of - 70% of ourbody weight is water, depending on our age. older peoplea little less, young people more so. a nice analogy is,of course, that our planet - if we look at theearth's surface - 70% is also coveredwith water. there are many parallelsbetween man and planet, and i will also try to drawyour attention to this aspect,

because there reallyis a connection there. if you start from the molecules ,and we’llbe talking about this later today, we say that 99% of all moleculesin our bodies - are water molecules. that's incredible, right? in truth, we should be constantlydripping, from somewhere... so, what holds us together? it's the nature of water -you will learn more about it later. why is it that way - we are large,we also have other elements, as you can see, so - noteverything can be water.

the water moleculesare very small. compared to a hair -that is one of my hair, undyed, by the way, so it should look halfway healthyunder the microscope. you see, thesegreen balls here, i tried to translate it ona scale of one millimetre. that's it underthe microscope. so, this hair in relationto 1 mm distance. although this distance here, you couldsay is closer to half a millimetre.

because the ballsturned out rather large. so that means - take a hair,and look at how thin your hair is. 250,000 timessmaller, thinner - and you have a water molecule,and the other molecules in our body. it takes an incrediblenumber of these molecules, to prepare this waterinside our bodies. anyway, as a student, when i'd juststarted my geography studies, i wanted to travel - it was a prerequisite,for a budding geographer, to get to know a littleabout the world.

also typical for a student is -you have no money and that's how i gota job on this ship and became acocktail waitress. i spent three monthsworking on the high seas, and really, i was surrounded - daily,at night, always - by this element. this power, this envelopingforce - you really only feel it once you leave the ship. suddenly, there is an emptinessand you realize - ah, i felt something. and i'm convinced thatit is something that

has a life of its own,you can feel it. the second experience - a littlelater, just after graduation, i could spend another three months -you see, three months is a thing for me - working on an sac cabin,you can see the cabin here, surrounded by ice -also element water. and, it just so happened that i spent a lot of timealone up there. my colleague - we hadplanned to do this together - but she hurt her kneeshortly beforehand,

and so i said:okay, i'll go there alone. and when the wind was strong,and the weather really tough, no mountaineersclimbed to the top, and i was all alone,surrounded by these elements. then it's easy to see -when you look outside, or walk outside, and you see this windblowing over the glacier areas - and it sends the ice crystalsflying - that's just... it's amazing, and reallyquirky, and it's alive. and these experiencesshowed me very early,

and i am convincedthat nature is alive. because i could feel it. and, as soon as top scientistsalso reach the point, where they are able to lookvery deep into the matter - like, for example this veryfamous physicist, max planck - you all probablyknow him - who also said: all matter originatesand exists only by virtue of a force... we must assumebehind this force the existence of aconscious and intelligent mind.

this mind is thematrix of all matter. so, i can justify my theory a little,backed-up by this top nobel laureate, and i think there is aplace for it in science, for us to say thatnature is alive. and, i think you all havealready experienced how nature gives you strength,how you can communicate with your environment. in one way or another. and now, again,a similar experience,

and then we'll get a bit more physical,and talk about the physics of geography. back in 2005, there wasthis huge flood, in central switzerland,which was very much affected but also large parts of europewere under water. here we see aphotograph of lucerne. it could also be neu-ulm,when the iller, a tributary of the danube,massively spilled over the shores and caused this picture her,and wreaked damage. i was standing on a hilland looked down at the plain.

i wasn't thinking ofanything in particular, but suddenly, i experienced a senseof incredible freshness. it was a suddensense of freedom. i looked down on the river below,that was meandering like and snake and the feeling was really -aaaah! finally, i'm outside! so, what happened there? we have straightened many, many rivers,channelled and constrained them. it began during the turn ofthe century, 19-20th century and continued wellinto the 20th century.

you can see the situation ofthe reuss here - this river that flows throughand around lucerne - still in a relativelyunobstructed condition, it had one channeldiverted here, because a factory was builtthere, and it needed energy. but here, the river is stillallowed to be a river, and there is also roomfor the flood plain. so, what did they do? and you knowthis picture from your own countries - they set up dams, and calmedthe river, or tamed it, as we call it,

to make more roomfor our infrastructures. for our farmland. of course, this land reclamation,is certainly an achievement, too. but if it is exaggerated,if we take too much from nature, then it becomesdestructive. but sometimes it's hardfor us humans, when we have to see, or we haveto learn from those harsh tones, those catastrophes, that something...that we are doing something wrong. if we then take the time and listen,this can also have positive results.

here, this picture fascinatesme again and again, although it's just a planningpicture, but it will be realized. that's really... nothingshould stand in its way. the reuss in the same area,as i showed you before on the map. in the future. they are now takingsteps to restore the rivers. wherever possible, they makemore room for the rivers. so they can moveaccording to their nature. and a river, a water, is so structured in itself,that it must sway back and forth.

a beautiful analogy to yin-yang -it's all about balance, that is achieved in a river valley,when you allow the river to sway to and fro in peace. i think it's beautifulthat we are now doing this, andgiving the rivers - at least where it's possible - space, and, of course,this is also an end in itself, because it's the best floodprotection, you can imagine. the rivers lose their energy,if they can spread out, and

the swamps, floodplain forests,whatever are allowed to re-grow there, they are like a sponge, they absorbthe water when there is too much, they store it, so we haveenough during drought. when there is no water coming fromthe sky, then this floodplain forest, this swamp, slowly releases thewater again, to its surroundings. here you can seean example in germany. you could, i don't know, in theczech republic they have such rivers... there's a huge movement going on inthe us regarding river restorations, and they are destroyinga lot of damns.

i think this picture is clear,right? what is better? it is important that we can stillsee such pictures in nature. it is important that wecan show our children how this networking - the one sebastianalready showed us in the morning - how it looks, how itmust look like. it is so important that we canhold up such pictures also in areas where it doesn'tlook like this anymore. in the hope of somedaygetting back to how it was. the language of nature - naturespeaks to us, and she speaks to us

in such a way we noticethat nature gives us strength. studies were conducted, marc berman,e.g. from the university of chicago, has proven, or studied thiswith different groups of people. and people, sick people - he conducted this study withmentally ill people, depressed people, who were able to reach abetter state of health even after spending only15 minutes per day in a - i'll call it an environment"close to nature". they stayed there, went for walks -it's more beneficial than

movement in theurban environment. the greenery, the closeness tobirds, insects, the humming, the sound of the water - all thishas a calming effect on us. and, he realized that these people,who came back from nature, after these walks, their cognitive performanceshowed significant improvements, and their moods hasimproved significantly, too. there is no correlation between ourmoods and cognitive performance - you might think, well, of course,they were in a better mood andso their cognitivefunction was better -

but there is no connection. sometimes they were in a bettermood, and sometimes they had a better cognitive performance.and sometimes both. we mustn't forget this -that we get energy from nature, we get it for free.that is why it's important - besides the... perfect picture that wereally should preserve - we need these placesfrom where we can restore our's truly a gift.

it really is a service natureprovides for us. i talk a lot about rivers, i love the rivers,you might have noticed that. but look at this river system. or this one, this is myabsolute top favourite in terms of satellite images,taken by nasa. this is the lena deltain northern russia. what does the pictureremind you of? [murmurs from the audience] i can hear a little, but nothing specific -maybe you are thinking of this?

it has very strong similarities to theblood vessels of humans. viktor schauberger,a nature lover really, not a scientist, but aforester, just someone, who spent a lot of timestudying water, studying nature - especiallythe water and the rivers - he said the rivers, waters, flowing waters -they are "the blood of the earth". i think this connection, thisanalogy is very beautiful. and then i wonder - do we have to check this blood andanalyse, how our waters are doing?

what condition is planet earth in?what does the blood look like? we know how importantthe blood in our veins is, and when we are sufferingfrom blood poisoning, it's not lookingtoo good for us... so, let's have a look at thispollution in our waters, how this looks like. and then i really want to gointo detail - where does it start? in switzerland, we receiveda very detailed study,

from the eawag, that's the waterresearch institute from the eth domain, the swiss university for science and technology, and they investigated10 flowing waters in our central region,in central switzerland. central switzerland is the mostdensely populated area in switzerland, and of course, the pressure on the waters from all sidesis massively noticeable. so, they discovered thatall of these waters were heavily loadedwith pesticides.

of course, this refersmostly to agriculture. but they said, 10-20% actuallycome from private gardens - that includes me,as a non-farmer. i, too, have tomake an effort and can't spray roundup,or any of that stuff - because that also -obviously - gets into the water. above all, they warn againstcritical combinations and that's a very touchy subject.our government office says, technically, by law, theyissue threshold values

but they only highlightindividual substances. and not the combinations.and as justification they say: we have not yet received - the effectsof combining these substances, they have not beenresearched enough. that is why we focus on the individual substances. but the expertswarn against that, because these poisons caninteract with each other, and can build upin their toxicity. and that is highly,highly dangerous.

i would like to show youa short clip from the kassensturzprogram from switzerland [clip - illegal use of pesticides - winegrowersspray poison - the authorities look way] and then you ask yourself - so,what are... which solutions are there? are we really dependenton these pesticides? about 1.5 monthsor 2 months ago - i had the opportunityto attend a convention, in the canton of zug in switzerland,where mainly farmers met up, to discuss this topic, exchangeideas and to look for solutions.

because they are currently being heavilydenounced and are in hot water because they are blamed forthe state of our waters... for killing them, or for killingthe life in the waters. they are also interested insolutions, that much is clear. during the workshop,in the afternoon we asked ourselves thisquestion - paths to clean water, and less about the value ofwater, i didn't attend that part. and then there wasa back and forth, regarding what laws would be necessary,what distances would be necessary,

which pesticides you could dowithout, which are essential, or... whatever. they also asked technical questions -what technical equipment would be better, more eco-friendly,and so on. suddenly, after half an hour ofdiscussion, one farmer said quietly: maybe we should juststop spraying that stuff. and then it went a bitquiet in the hall and you could that possible, is not it? it is possible.

there are over 2.4 millionfarmers worldwide, - this number representscertified organic farming, but it could also be increased,by including organic farming, farmers who look for eco-friendlysolutions, but without being organically certified -then there would be even more. over 2.4 million farmerswork without pesticides - they seem to beable to survive. more than 50 million hectaresof land are cultivated by organic farming,globally speaking.

over, or around 80 billion dollars are generatedby the organic market. these are the consumers who askfor it and also pay for the quality. now you could say:well, then everything is fine. we have sooo manyorganic farmers... unfortunately, from a globalperspective, it's only 1.1%... so all of us, for the world of natural science and you all - there's still a lot to do. we now proceedto the next problem.

earlier this morning, we hearda whole presentation on this topic - fact is - hormones, medicines, cosmetics -these are all micro-pollutants, they are so small, that the wastewater purification plants can't - for now - they can'tfilter them out. people often talk about the fourth stagein waste water purification plants, and they say, oh, but the activecarbon filter, etc. - they can do it - but that's not quite true. so, thereis still a rather large part that still crosses this barrier -and then it comes back -

if it came from the sewerin the first place - but then it gets back into our waters.of course, only into the surface waters. we are talking about over100 pharmaceuticals, that were found in differentwaters all over the world... and were examined. 15% of all medicationsis flushed down the toilet, just imagine that. apparently, there are x-millionpeople who just flush their medicationdown the toilet.

this needs work, the peoplereally need to be informed - this would be such a simple thingyou could change straight away. 70% of an antibiotic - i have forgottenthe name again - it's very complicated, but 70% of this antibiotic is excretedimmediately after taking it, the body can't even handle it, and 70% is excrete straight away. [clip - pesticides and medicationin our drinking water] yes, exactly - these arethe micropollutants. you have just heard a lotabout these medications.

there is also an extremely high numberof endocrine disrupting substances, in various things that surround us. one example is plastic, where we havebisphenol-a, which is used as both ahardener and a softener. it is also a basiccomponent in plastic, which gets washed out, when theplastic gets into the environment, which again disrupts thehormones of living beings and interferes with them,and also us humans, in return,

when we drink this water. and the drinking wateris also, at least partly, polluted with these impurities. cosmetics - every thirdcosmetic product contains at least one endocrinedisrupting substance. and i think one in five alreadycontains two of these substances. so, really - let's all switch tonatural cosmetics. in many different aspects, thealternatives really don't make sense. now, one last pointabout these impurities.

i'll play a game with you,you all know it - "find the 5 differences". but my game is easy, you onlyneed to find one similarity. can you see it?probably, right? of course - it's about themicroplastics in our waters. when do we speak of microplastics? between 0.1 micronsto 5 mm - these are well visible globules,or parts, particles -

we speak of microplastics. one micron is onethousandth of a millimetre. and nanoplastics are againone-thousandth smaller, that is 0.001 to 0.1 microns. just so you have an ideawhat we're talking about. the hair i showed you, at the beginningof the presentation - 70 microns. obviously, according to the size -in diameter, not length - in the same categoryas microplastics. where does this microplastic in our waters come from?

and the pollution is notonly high in the oceans, we will hear moreabout that later - it really starts in our surfacewaters, on the continents. the textiles - if you... wash synthetic fabrics, in eachwash, they lose 2,000 to 700,000 micro-particles. through the wash water, which the washing machineneeds when rinsing, this is flushed into the sewer, and entersthe waste water purification plant.

but even there, the microplasticcannot be filtered out completely. the bigger parts yes, but thesmaller ones... up to nanoplastics, they won't be filtered out. wear and tear of the tires,that's also not that well known - that's a fairlylarge proportion. then, the fragmentation innature, when we litter, just throw things away... the weathering acts on these plastic parts and they are crushed,

until they are also nano-sized, and then it's easy for the water, which is a perfect means oftransport, to wash it all away. the pellets, or nurdles, as they say,when they turn up, on the beaches - they are the basic building block foreverything, that is made of plastic. if i look at my computer here,many things are made of it, they would be black pellets, thatserved as a basic building block. and, it is strange -but, very often, those shipping containersoften get lost on the high seas,

and then these nurdles are washedinto the bays in large quantities, as they are seized by ocean currents,carried along and unloaded in the bays. and then people, fortunately, often go there and - makea huge effort - to pick them up. cosmetics - as we heard today,mr luger covered this topic beautifully. there is also liquidplastic in cosmetics, which i also didn'tknow until recently. so, it's not always thosesmall peeling kernels, they can also betoo small to be felt,

but still these microplastics areinside the cosmetic products. let's look at anexample - the rhine. the rhine flows in thenorth sea, we all know that. every day, 191 millionplastic particles - microparticles andnanoparticles - every day are washed into thenorth sea, over the rhine. and that's just one river! that's 10 tons a year. these are floating particlesthat we - with the naked eye -

can barely see. consequently, it is not alwaysthe first thing we think of, but it really is veryadvanced already. lake geneva,here in switzerland, its pollution is comparableto the mediterranean. and the mediterranean is one ofthe most polluted seas worldwide. lake geneva - this makes you wonder,right? only the rhone flows into it - so only we swissare affected... and we are known for our cleanliness,and our order, and the likes...

so, i really ask myself - where doesall this microplastic come from? and then we come backto the cosmetics, especially, and other materials thatcontain this dissolved plastic in a very minute form. over a thousand substances affect our waters and are already - globally speaking - visible, testable, presentin the hydrologic cycle. of course, nature speaksto us in very clear terms.

when we talk about theextinction of species - what is it but a callfor help from nature? hey - 81% populations of freshwater speciesworldwide have disappeared. we've had insect mortality,and we can extend that further and include differentecosystems. -50% of the biodiversityin the rivers was reduced. there are a lot of fish affected -that's an impressive number. what does that mean? - sebastiansaid it nicely earlier this morning -

we need... all creatures,all parts in an ecosystem, to maintain the whole, forthe entire network to function. e.g. this moray eel here, it usesa cleaner shrimp to clean its teeth... i'm not sure, if it even has teeth - but,anyway, it uses it to clean its gums. what if there are nomore cleaner shrimps? what will the moray eel do then?and what about the animals, that feed on moray eel, and so on.we all know these games. every species, everyindividual on this planet has their own task andtheir own talents.

they have their placein the ecosystem. and if we take somethingaway somewhere - sometimes there isno replacement. although natureoften runs parallel. but something is missingand that's just not right. it is our responsibility to provide these creaturesthe opportunity to live naturally. and to continue to develop. we are moving on, slowly,in the direction of water

as an information carrier. i said i wanted to talk a little aboutwhere does this pollution start? and here - i think it's a verybeautiful quote by masaru emoto, the japanese man who became famousfor his water crystal photographs. i will show you one later. i've noticed, on thetable top of the uk they also have one ofthese water crystal photos. if you want to comparethem, go and have a look, i don't even know what topicthey have covered.

we all have an important mission: to make water clean again, and to create a world that is easy and healthy to live in. this includes all species living on our planet, all living things. in order to accomplish our mission, we must first make sure that our hearts are clear and unpolluted. until now, we have looted and polluted the earth. the water remembers every detail of this story. and it is really true - water has memory. i have started my own research,and i will show you pictures later - it really is true.

it stores, whatever it experienced on its journey, until it's just a drop of water, or an ice crystal. as promised, here you can see the pictures by masaru emoto - on the left, he said: 'thank you' to the water, and praised it. on the right, he said bad things to it -you're a fool, and things like that - and you see what power our mental state, or our feelings and thoughtshave on the environment - and the water is just an ambassador.

it shows us, how we can use our minds to change the matter. the water is a perfect mediumto make us aware of it. to paint a picture, with these picture-forming methods and research opportunities. okay, now that we've talked about pollution i'd like to move on and i hope i can make you feel in awe again. let's have a look at what water can do. it quenches thirst. it cleans. it provides a home for millions of living creatures.

it relaxes us - be it by the sea,by the river, by the lake. it offers a recreation area. or upgrade cities - obviously. it refreshes and invigorates. it also often shows us its power allows us to pause and helps us see things in the right light. and, as i said, it amazes us. snow crystals - the farmer, he was an american farmer - wilson a. bentley,

starting in the winter months of 1885 - apparently, farmers back thendidn't have much work in winter. he observed snow crystals in winter,took his microscope outside, also took pictures and boththe scientific world, as well as regular joes - for many peopleon the planet - this was an eye-opener. he photographed 5,000 snow crystals - none are alike. what they have - as you can notice -they all have this hexagonal structure. if they had the chance to form without obstruction. emoto shows other things,but that's a different story.

these are snowflakes that are fresh, clean, and fell from the sky as part ofthe hydrologic cycle - luckily in 1885, there was probably very little contaminated through chemical substances,and then such beautiful patterns are formed. where does this hexagonal shape come from? that is part of the essence of the water. i will show you a model later. so, we know - water transports and dissolves.

i won't say very much about thatyou can see for yourselves in everyday life. but water is different - it has x anomalies. what is an anomaly? when science doesn't know where the cause of something lies - of an event, or an ability, or a property of a substanc. for example - water has a surface tension - you could fill the water here, over the lip of the glass, and nothing would spill.

this is called surface tension, but nobody has yet been able to explain properly, why it is like that. likewise, the issue with the density anomaly - normal substances, when they are warm, they have a larger volume, and when they get colder, colder, colder,they shrink and become denser. water is not exactly like that. when water gets hot -steam has a huge volume, right? cools down, condenses - yes, it shrinksand then, at 4â°c - what happens? it cools down and expands its volume again.

ice is denser ... no, less dense,than water at 4â°c. that's what you call the density anomaly. how does it happen? i will show you a model that explains these things quite well - no, actually, it explains it very well. water must move,we saw this behaviour in rivers, they sway to the left and to the right. it is in balance, it vibrates. water is a battery, it invigorates,and you can really take this literally:

water is a battery. it is rechargeable - i will show you how. and finally - i think that fascinates many people - water is an information carrier. good. now we will briefly discuss the chemical side. what does that mean - to understand the water? is it ez - where does this term come from? first of all - how did we look at water until now? you may know the cluster model.

for example, shown here by roy in 2005. it is an older model. here we assume that the water molecules, which consist of oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms, two of them,and form a so-called dipole. oxygen takes on electrons from the hydrogen, has an electron surplus,is thus charged negatively - the hydrogen atom just gave away these electrons, has an electron deficiency and is herefore positively charged. this dipole used to be the key

to understand how water can be liquid at all - or, in turn, solid. that it is not always in a gaseous state, and the molecules don't just spin around freely. because they said, and i do thinkit is still a model that - - despite the new findings -is very likely true, as negative and positive attract each other and form these so-called hydrogen bonds.

a kind of magnet - these are not strong magnets, they are constantly coming, going, holding on, something new joins the mix - but, it allows the water to be liquid imagine, if you like, you are strolling down a busy shopping street - people pass, go back and forth, and all of a sudden, on a square, a band starts playing. folk music, people feel like dancing, take each other by the hands,

and a circle dance, or a beautiful dance, begins. the people hold onto each other - these are the hydrogen bonds. suddenly, someone looks at their watch - oh, i have to go! lets go, a gap is created,the gap closes, or it opens up again, people joina in,the cluster grows, it shrinks - but the form itself remains. the people, the water molecules, are interchangeable. and that is how the liquid state,according to this model, is created. conclusion: although water is a dipole,

and thus has this positive/negative chargein the molecule, in its structure. but, actually, when they are connected, the water is neutral, we have h20,that has no charge, if they...are attached to each other. now i'd like to talk about a researcher, gerald pollack, he made quite a splash in water research in recent years. he now claims: water is more than h2o.

by the way - this is also the title of his book,i think you can find it outside. so, if you want to know more - and i'm really only scratching the surface here - so you have a better understanding of these things. i really recommend it, as you can see, i did find quite a few useful passages. it is very exciting. and, the lovely thing about him is -at the beginning of his research, all he did was ask questions.

for example -what creates this surface tension? or: why do certain waters not mix? maybe you have already observed this - when river water flows into salt water, flows into the sea - it takes quite a long time for these two bodies to mix. or, even if two oceansmeet - you can see a layer, where you can see -these are two different substances, almost, or -that are meeting here. and it stays like this. all the time.

and - he also asked: what happens in our body? we consist to 99% of water molecules. he knew that certain forces - for example in the bloodstream - they are just not powerful enough,the heart is actually too weak to be able to pump our blood through the body. so, he asked himself - from where does the body get this energy? here we have reached the topic: water is a battery. so, he said: water has four aggregate phases - gas - we know that.

liquid - we know that.solid - we know that, too. but now there is this fourth, which is between liquid and solid. it is actually in the transition to ice. that also means - or, another hypothesis - but he proved it, in multiple experiments, that it is true - water is not always neutral. there are areas that are positively charged,and those that are negatively charged. and indeed - the set-up of his experiments is always very similar -

let me just show you. usually, he has a gel, an area here, and on this side, adjacent to it, a water,mixed with microspheres. unfortunately, they are probably plastic beads,he usually uses - two microns in size, he mixes them, shakes them in the water,so they are very well mixed with this water. pours the liquid into the jar that contains this gel, it rises to the surface, and after a few minuteshe noticed that every time these absolutely pure zones are formed. he calls them the exclusion zone.

these zones exclude many things. we will see later, that they unfortunately don't exclude everything. but nature actually intended for it to practically exclude everything - it excludes red blood cells,it excludes impurities, viruses, things like that - this exclusion zone excludes everything. the abbreviation of exclusion zoneis ez, because he's american, that's why it sounds like 'easy'. so, this ez is a very pure,absolutely structured, ordered water. why is water a battery?

you can see that illustrated here. this ez is negatively charged, the water layer is about 100 microns in size, not big in our eyes, but for the researchers, that's a lot bigger, than previously thought. and, the bulk water, the residual water -in german, we also call it bulkwasser, from the english term bulk water -that is positively charged. for those who are interested - why is water not h20? summed up - there are different compounds, the water enters into.

in this ez we have a negative molecule,an ion, the h3o2 - a negative charge. and in the positive, we have different things, which then make up the positive charge. as i said, you can really read about it yourselves, it is very well documentedin his publications. he confirmed in experiments -this ez water is highly pure, as i said. it is a kind of liquid crystal. it forms a similar structure as anice crystal, but it remains liquid. it's more viscous, as he showed, it is denser, more stable and very ordered. it's negatively charged, which thusmakes it a battery,

because positive and negative together creates a flow of electrons,which can really be used as electric currents. here again the example with the gulf of alaska, where glacier water meets salt water,and these waters do not mix. the reason: the salt in salt wateris such a hydrophilic surface, as we saw earlier in the gel, in his experiments, and generates this liquid crystal. it is very exciting when we know that salt has an important cleaning function in the oceans. because, around these salts,this ez can be formed, and they

still have a little residual water,which also holds it together, in a way. but, around this salt, we have the purest water. then, the surface tension. even air is such a boundary layer - so, if we have water in a glass and that comes in contact with the air, then an ez is formed up here, a liquid crystal, a very stable,viscous water or substance. that is maybe the explanation why there are animals,living beings that can walk on the water. it is said that there have also been peoplewho can do this - at least one man was known for it... and that is also the reason why this lizardis called jesus christ lizard.

here, as a last point, and then we willmove on from chemistry and the models. this is one of the models pollack has sketched, and i thought it was fascinating earlier today, with the honeycombs,that sebastian told us about - this hexagonal structure is the most efficient method of creating something stable - and water does the same! it creates this highly stable liquid crystal in the fourth phase, in the fourth aggregate phase. it creates the surface tension and is also the basis for many other effects. difference to ice - ice, as we know,is also hexagonal in shape.

the difference is that the layers of thishoneycombs can - in the liquid crystalline state - slide over each other. in ice, they are absolutely fixed, by protons, hydrogen atoms, that lie between the layers and hold the molecules in place. in ez water, in this fourth aggregate phase, this is not the case. they slide over each other. and - that's actually the reason why this book fascinated me from the beginning - i love the rivers,

i love how they meander, i've said it before - and this picture explains why the rivers meander. i think therapists and the medically oriented among you are probably thinking of something else. maybe the double helix of the dna? is this a basic pattern of nature? this helix, or is it the water,that shapes the dna? we could research a little further and ask - and maybe you already know the answer,

those of you, who are more concerned with these things than i am. i just think the parallelism is very nice. and, as i said, as these layers move over each other, this already creates this meander-like structure at the molecular level of the water. and, here again - that's why the old-school model isn't just nonsense - but, here you can seea so-called hydrogen bond. again, the layers are held together by these hydrogen bonds, by this magnetic force, actually, between the plus and minus of the "water dipole", one could say.

he also has a hypothesis about oxygen. i mention this, because yesterday this entanglement of water and oxygen was such an absolutely central point in paul probst's presentation. but now i was more fascinatedin terms of information. pollack says: it is highly likely that oxygen is the carrier of information. the carrier is responsible for creating certain structures in the water. why? - he did experiments and saw -

also using the scanning electron microscope, that sometimes oxygen atoms are missing. and they can be replaced, by other oxygen atoms. and depending on what pattern these atoms create in this helix - we have different information. this is basic research, you won't find it anywhere - it is a hypothesis. but i think it's just a very nice idea, and i think it's almost logical, that both these important elements -oxygen and hydrogen - also work together

here, at the information level - or probably work together. and allow for information to be possible in our world at all. i just think that's wonderful,this comparison - water always wants to sway. you know this by now - on the left, a picture of a braided river, braided as in hair - in the emster valley, the foot of a glacier - raw landscapes, where the water can really flow freely - that's the picture, that's what the water wants. and on the right - a special level, i'm not sure, an aerial photo, maybe you have seen it before.

maybe it's a place you've already visited - no, i do not think so - it was in my bathtub but you may have already discovered something similar. i took a base salt bath to try and cure my cold, because heat is good, right? and when the water drained out, i of course had to study the patternsand i think it's incredible - there is no topography here - there is a bit of a slope,

because the water is supposed to drain ... but there are no stones, nothing. the water just naturally flows in these forms. i think that's beautiful - on the molecular level, on the bath level - and in our great nature - the water always shows this shape. and now, before we move on - pollack has proven: water is a battery. as i said, this is because we have an ez here, an exclusion zone,

which is negatively charged, and a residual water zone, which is positively charged. he measured the current and he even developed devicesthat run on water - so, this clock here runs on "water power", quite literally,as it is powered by water. now you ask yourself - yes, and then? when the battery is empty, what then? - do i throw the bottle away? i hope it's made of glass, not plastic...but i do think it's made of glass. no - there is a charger, a method to re-charge this water battery. and what does that mean?

of course, the sun - especially the warmth, the infrared, charges this water battery. so, that means - in our bodies, we also have ez water - exclusion zones, e.g. in the cell, where the cell walls produce these ez watersand when we go into the sun and - i almost want to say 'consume' warmth - and absorb warmth, then this ez growsand if we have hypothermia - it - probably - shrinks. and what happens then? the voltage differences between the positive and negative charge, they become smaller.

we have less energy. and i think that's an easy way,also this togetherness... yes, making this connection - what happens in the mitochondria, and also for our bodies, this interesting process, the mitochondria accomplish through food and so on to create energy. but, that the water in and of itselfalready provides us with energy. and with the help of the sun. with the help of warmth. making it infrared, that was alsovery smart of nature.

we are not in the sun right now - but, we have a little, i don't know, they might be red,have a little bit of infrared light - but that means our body processes, that are based on this water battery, they ought to completely shut down now, and at some point, that would be it - e.g. at night - when the sun disappears. but, because it is infrared, we can draw warmth from items that still provide us with energy.

but, we need the sun, to give this warmth to the objects, during the day, so they can collect warmth again so they can continue to radiate it in a steady flow. yes - the purity of our cell.the ez is absolutely pure. and - pollack has discovered that up to 0.1 microns,nothing can penetrate this ez. so, everything that's bigger than 0.1 microns doesn't stand a chance. the problem now - nanoplasticshas 0.001 to 0.1 microns.

it's too small. and it has - unfortunately -already been proven, so it is good we know about it, but it is a fact that these nanoplastic particles invade our bodies and even get into our cells. and it has been proventhat they also get into the mitochondria,especially this additive bisphenol a, and weakens the mitochondria there. i already mentioned that water generates the energy,

that also allows forblood circulation. and i just think that's important in the sensethat we become aware - the sun provides infrared, warmth, creates a great ez inside us,generates battery energy, so to speak. and that, in turn, providesor generates the current in the capillaries. just so you know. the heart needs a million times more power, to build up the pressure to really squeezeour blood into the outermost corners. a red blood cell is about 1 to 2 micronslarger than the blood vessels. so, they must be crushed,so they can be squeezed through,

and that requires tremendous pressure. and that is only possible if you take into account the power that is provided by the ez. i now want to talk about water as an information carrier, i hope it's okay if i go a little longer? thank you. the two pictures by emoto -you already know some of them. i really like these twobecause - on one side, the water is praised -and the result is good.

and he told the other one: that's not possible. i can't do it, just no,it's impossible. you can see how nature responds - it's not possible - that's not possible in nature. and remember, later, after sabrina's presentation, you might think - this pollution is incredible, it's not possible - 'not possible' is not possible in nature . do you understand? it is possible. it has to be.

rather, move your consciousness to the other side, and, with constructive thoughts, just try to make a difference. alright, now i'd like to show my ownresearch with the dark-field microscope. here you see where i work, the littlelaboratory i have set up for myself. when working in dark-field, you need a good microscope and a method, where you drip fine droplets onto a slide. the method - for those who want to read up on it - especially bernd krã¶plin,a professor, a german professor - he introduced it to the masses,

has written books about it and also very carefullyexplained and documented it. it's a method that is - in contrast, a bit,to emoto's pictures - absolutely reproducible. that is always a must-have in science, that things mustbe reproducible. and i can really say, from own experience - it is incredibly reproducible. this is shown, for example, in these three rows of pictures - each of these rows is the same water, but a different drop.

so, you can see - a certain water always has the same pattern. sometimes, a few dayscan pass between the photographs, but the water remains - if it is a stable water - and will always show itself to me with the same face under the microscope. here you can see the source of the waters, i have chosen - on the top is the arbach freshwater spring in the canton of zug, and this might have come as a surpriseto the dossenbach family, who have a freshwater spring there,

and treat the water with agricultural methods that are very respectful toward the water -i think it creates beautiful pictures. then, our tap, which we had toinject with a vortex, otherwise it would show absolutely no structure, unfortunately. and on the bottom, a lovelyspring water from the canton of valais. what is an information carrier. water stores everything it has experienced on its journey, until it becomes an ice crystal, or until it lands under my microscope,dries out and leaves its mark.

here i have conducted an experiment with apples - an organic appleand a non-organic apple. i cut them into pieces, very simple, and put them in a glass of water, then i didn't have to wait long, dripped them on a surface, let them dry, put them under the microscope,and then i was rather astonished - the water takes on the information of the apple very quickly, and i think the picture speaks for itself. i'm not sure, if we even want to have the conversation,

whether or not we want pesticides in our agriculture when i enlarge it a little, it looks like this - again the fine little branchesthe delicate structure, much more lively, much more vital, you already feel it. and then, of course - the sort of experiment you would probably also do, when you first start off, when you are just starting your research, i'm sure you would.

so, of course... i asked myself - what about feelings,positive feelings? can i really use my positive feelings to change the water the way emoto already showed us, and krã¶plin, and all the others - can i do that, too? and then i proceeded like this: i took our tap water... and projected all the love and gratitude for allwaters on this earth onto this water, i charged it with my hands, used my imagination - the way we also learnt yesterday,

and only sent the best wishes onto this water. and, it did - this is a very difficult water, i have to say. but there was a reaction. even more convincing was the same experiment with a lovely spring water, from the canton of valais,even though it was stored in a pet bottle... and again - and it is reproducible - this basic structure you see on the right here - which the spring water usually has - there is a centre somewhere, either out here,

or out here - but never really in the centre and never as finely structured as it was after i showed it love and gratitude. our power - our mental power - seems to be able to centre the water. it seems to have the ability to make natural things even more beautiful - isn't that a lovely thought, that we humans can do that?

and now- i think that's a really awesome picture. here, kids were given the opportunity to stick a label on a bottle - so, first they painted it, then it was glued on the bottle, and they showed gratitude for the water. here, our daughter vivian, she is nine years old, she drew a - i think beautiful - starfish, with a heart centre and on it she wrote, "thank you, pure water". and this water was standing around for maybe two weeks until i came up with the idea, to also look at the arbach water,

the arbach spring water... i'm not sure, if it's just my imagination, but, i think - if you look here,at what has arisen here. a starfish, right? and there are also many fine,lots of little branches, a lot more than i have seenin tap water, for example. but it could easily just bethe water of the arbach, the arbach spring.

i'd better also look at the same water, but without the label. and then - the last question in this regard, i also tried - can water communicate with water? can a stable water - and here you again see this - i think very lovely water, quite good water from the spring in the canton of valais, which typically always has thisconcentric line, with a centre somewhere - can this water communicate with our, well... with our water, that does not have such a face full of character,our tap water isn't really like that -

to see, if something happens between them. so, for three hours, i let them stand close to each other in glasses, and i also politely asked them, to please communicate, if you feel like it, i asked the water... yes, i always talk to things like that, and i think, on the left, the tap water, did get a kind of centric structure, and this, too - somehow... it looks alike.of course, you could say, if you look, you will find... but still. i’ll leave the picture like this,

you can make up your own mind, i enjoyed it. okay, and then the counter-experiment -i was very enthusiastic and told my neighbour, that this love and gratitude - what effect it had on my water - again, on the left, you can see -a new drop, where tap water, that didn't reallyhave that kind of structure before, really no structure at all - suddenly developed this beautiful centre. and then yes... i was faced with the task -can i say bad things to the water? things, such as - you fool.

somehow, i really didn't have it in me. and then i thought,maybe, if i just think of all the waters of this earth, and the seas that are polluted, and the living things that die, and of course, then my feelings took over, i thought oh no! and i grew sad. and i tried to communicate that to the water and i said: show me how you feelabout all these problems. and this picture was the result. i have to say - the picture would be black,if i hadn't exposed it longer, with the camera.

so, the radiance of the water strongly decreased. and that was absolutely...that made me very sad. i didn’t see anything at first,and then i increased it, and saw – an absolutely black centre. before, with love, the radiancehad created a radiant centre. this speak volumes. so, our thoughts really have a large impact on our environment and we really need to pull ourselves together and get these things under control.

alright - water and order,and then i think we are almost done. what brings order into the water? this may also be interesting in your everyday life. as we heard - ez is made by sunlight. and, it always needs both - so, please don't think only ez water is good, this highly structured water - it also needs the residual water. it's interesting to see - like in yin-yang, the interaction

of positive and negative. this is what creates the battery, the energy. but first, we must have the ez, for it to be created, this energy. also very important for this creation of exclusion zones are vortexes, waves, the spray in waterfalls - that's probably why

waterfalls feel so invigorating, because so much of this highly structured water is whirled around in the air. pollack also experimented with fats - many fats, and people always say fats are water repellent - many fats are hydrophilic, as he calls it. it needs a hydrophilic, a water-loving surface to form ez water,

and ghee, this type of butter, that's even better at forming ez. and people also believe it has healing powers. fruit, vegetables - contain a lot of cell water. cell water is, to a large extent, pure ez - we can eat it, drink it. then we have very highly ordered water -i already mentioned the salts - crystals, especially quartz crystals, also have a hexagonal form, as you can see very well in the fully developed crystal veins - they can "produce" water, and also take on this hexagonal structure.

glacier water is obviously very close to the ice structure, very close to this highly ordered state. i put the arrow there - please don't drink fresh glacier water directly from the glacier, that does have the abilityto upset your stomach. but still, structurally speaking, mostly - not all of them, but most - waters are highly ordered. and again, we have the positive feelings, i am sure i showed you their importance with the pictures.

so, now it's time to clean up, right? we must clean up on the inside -i mentioned thoughts and feelings. we also need to tidy up the planet, that requires energy. cleaning up, of course - starts inside, if we don’t have the awareness,we don't have the corresponding emotions towards nature, we will probablynever start, physically, with our handspicking up the plastic and changing our lives so we no longer put a strain on the ecology, on nature. but, i think the time has passed

when we could justbrush things under the bed... we did that, e.g. with the radioactive waste - in many, many parts of the oceans they are still rotting away, give off radiation, contaminate life forms - under the bed, it is out of sight,out of mind. plastic - and i know i shouldn'tbe saying this out loud, but it truly is an opportunity for us. plastic is so obviously a big problem - we can see it with our eyes,that we need to take action.

we have no choice, there is no more room under the bed, we must start cleaning up. good, i am slowly reaching the conclusions. we want to heal - you want to heal your body,from the viewpoint of water - what does that mean? positive feelings. nature - in nature, we develop positive feelings, as the american researcher showed us, with the people, who went for a walk and felt much more positive,were in a better mood. the sauna is a possibility - heat, we canleave hypothermia behind...

the ez is formed, the energy is increased, through the water, through the water battery - among other things - and also the processes in the mitochondria. movement also generates heat,promotes breathing, maybe things are put back in order, on the informational level, through oxygen, that somehow aligns the pattern of the waters - a hypothesis. then, fever - a regulatory force, in my opinion. what does fever do, other than create heat? heat creates a large ez, a large exclusion zone in us,

produces energy so the circulation, the blood circulation is stimulated - probably, to get rid of toxins, etc. fruit - vegetables, i mentioned,with the cell water. water treatment - a lot of showers, baths, drinking, of course. if you drink very highly structured water,spring water, then it has proven positive effects on your health. you can read up on this, various doctors have proved this.

a new study from dr kirsten deutschlã¤nder shows this very impressively with modern methods, that different people - be they patients or so-called 'healthy people' in the control group - actually showed a massive difference in terms of health after only 12 weeks of drinking 1.5 litres of spring water, how this manifested itself in these people.

well, our body has a certain form,whose content is constantly renewed. and, for us to transform the food we eatinto a scalp cell or intestinal cell, we permanently need regulatory power. and i think these pictures here, you remember that's the regulatory power - it starts here. it is love. water can have a different structure. it is possible to influence the water in us and around us, and to regulate it. - as i showed you.

we have this regulatory power inside us, it is called love. ordered water gives us energy - that is proven. this energy enables us to live -this is also proven. with our love and the energy from the water we can reduce pollution and start cleaning up. and please remember - 'that's impossible'is not possible in nature. we must start now.

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