badezimmer klein planen

badezimmer klein planen

living in the future presented by paul wimbush about 15 years ago, my husband and i were looking for an alternative way of life we visited an eco-village in the province of buenos aires in navarro so, we became part of the project

which was in its early stages and seemed like a good idea to support it. we got to know lots of people who were passing through that place since various courses were offered there. people from all over the world. however, there were things we didn't agree with so, in the end, we left but we had learned enough

and felt we had the experience it takes to start up a similar project ourselves in another area. so, along with another group we met in the new place we started this project. those little cabins you see over there are tents originally. they are tents belonging to

a telephone company that passed them on to us after being privatised. the manufacturer had these tents left over. so, we bought some canvas in order to build, to extend a mobile house, which was the very first house we built and they supplied us with this. they are made of hemp fibre. they are fantastic! so, we said brilliant!

we bought them quite cheaply. so four sticks and there you have it, a fully equipped tent! the tent was reinforced with clay stuffed inside socks. the socks were used to mould the walls. and then, on the outside... this was one of the first buildings we constructed when we got here.

we put cob because we thought, well, as we are at it, we could build a kitchen, a bathroom so, this is the cob construction technique. the technique of direct modeling exactly what red ovenbirds do with their beaks, we do with our hands. and then, the material is mixed

using either our feet or with the help of a cement mixer. so, this is what we call "cobera" because it's where we make the cob. that lake that you see over there used to be a natural dip which contained water. what we did was dig it deeper so to extract all the soil we needed for the construction.

moreover, this helped us drain the land because as it is so loamy, the water tended to stagnate and so it stayed in that lake. and this trench is where the greywater runs into. that is, water coming from bathing, showering and the laundry, water from those two houses and from this laundry.

and urine is also processed through the water management, because urine doesn't actually contaminate and it's a resource. birdsong the technique used here is the cob construction technique that is, the technique of direct modeling. it is shared between six people

the entire house is modeled. it's like making a giant sculpture. this is exactly how it is done. so, well, while one is building things like these begin to appear, don't they? murals or whatever you end up with when you express yourself. holes in the walls and so on. music

what i could also show you here is a design which is the same in all the constructions called "bio-climate design". the whole idea is to benefit from the solar energy in order to build a heating system, using as less additional and conventional energy as possible. so it's pointing north the windows face north

if you have a closer look this one is turned because it's facing north-east. this is a russian stove designed for siberia, of course they are huge in siberia, aren't they? the ones here are tiny ones. these are highly efficient stoves which use smoke to produce heat. because with the chimney or woodstoves the heat goes up the roof

all the heat is lost though the flue. and here, instead, the hot air travels all around the stove therefore heat is produced and that's why it's highly efficient. this heats up a lot when the firewood has burnt out at night the stove gives out heat till midday the following day.

so, the space given to the kitchen is very small but useful if you want to make some tea or if sometimes you feel like staying home to eat. the kitchen is not as important as in almost all other houses, because we've got the communal kitchen and the communal dining room. people chatting

enjoy!....thank you! the idea is not to build a house but rather a home. and from the moment you build it yourself you have the feeling that your house becomes a home. something that belongs to you. and that's the message i would like to get across.

i feel alive in this place, and i would like to continue living here until the last day of my life. and what i like best about it is the peace, the tranquility, the sharing, and being with all these amazing people who opened up their doors for us and gave us another chance

in life. i'm here because what i like best about it is the peace and tranquility that this place offers me nothing else.

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