strickanleitung für kissen

strickanleitung für kissen

hi everyone! today i would like to make this comfy cardigan with you. the cardigan is loose fitting and is worn opened without a closure. the overcut shoulders and loose sleeves leave enough room to wear something underneath. the front edges are finished with a wide neck band, and you can choose to make it with or without pockets. the pattern can be found under the following link: the most proper fabrics for this fabric are softly falling knits, summer sweat

and jacquard knits. i choose a nice patterned jacquard jersey today and will make the cardigan with pockets. i have partially prepared the pattern pieces already. to make sure that the pattern of the fabric aligns at the front and the pockets, we will cut these pattern pieces in a special way. both of the front bodice pieces are already cut. we place these pattern pieces on top of another piece of fabric that is large enough to cut the pocket pattern pieces. both fabrics are showing pretty side up. we position the fabrics

trying to match the pattern of the fabric. when both patterns are aligned, we draw the bottom edges with some chalk or fabric pen. i now align and then cut my pocket pattern piece on the lines just drawn, whereby the short edge here points in the direction of the front center bodice. additionally i transfer the notches by snipping into the edges within the seam allowance. we then cut the second pocket in the same manner but of course mirrored. this means that you place the pattern with the printed side down.

by the second pocket piece i transfer the notches as well. now we have a left and right pocket that perfectly matches the pattern of the fabric. following we can cut the bottom parts at the front of the bodice according to the sewing pattern marks. this piece was only needed to match the pattern of the fabric. additionally we transfer the two pints here which mark the slip pocket. now all of the pattern pieces are finished. we have here two front pieces, two pockets, one back piece cut on fold, as well as two sleeves and two neckbands which were cut out of smooth ribbing.

now we can start sewing. i am using a serger and a sewing machine. you can sew this cardigan completely with a sewing machine. tips and tricks can be found in my video for the shirt “elaine”. in the first step we will sew both pocket pieces right sides together onto the front pieces here at the bottom edge. for this i already fixated the edge with some wonder clips. both pocket pieces are sewn on. next, we will connect the side notches and the marked points here at the front by sewing a straight

line with the sewing machine thus constructing the slip pockets’ opening. we secure the stitches at the beginning and end of the pocket’s opening to make sure that they do not rip later while in use. the pocket seams on both front bodice pieces are finished. here a small tip from me: if you are using a rather thin fabric, it is better to interface the sections here at the edges of the pocket’s opening. following i fixated the pocket bag here on the side, and as you can see the fabric pattern matches really nicely. you can see the fabric pattern matches really nicely. next, we sew the front pieces right sides together here at the short edge.

the back piece will now be sewn as such onto the constructed front right sides together. the notches help while pinning and aligning. now we will attach the sleeves. these we pin and sew right sides together onto the arm holes aligning the notches. after both sleeves are sewn on, we can close the side seams. i used the notches to align the edges paying attention that the shoulder and sleeve seam lay on one another and fixated with some wonder clips. following we will sew the hem at the bottom and sleeves. for this we iron all hem- edges by 6/8” toward the left side and pin them in place

you can sew these edges with a coverlock machine as well as a normal sewing machine. use a stretchy zigzag stitch or a twin needle as i am doing here. i am sewing on the right side of the garment and position my needle so that the left needle sews at the edge of the turned over hem underneath. the sleeve hem is easier to sew if you turn the garment inside out and sew on the right side. when all hems are done we can prepare the neckband. for this we sew the neckband pieces here right sides together and a â¼â€ allowance.

right sides together and a â¼â€ allowance. i used my sewing machine for this because this way the seam bulk is much smaller. we fold the open edges right sides together and sew them as well using the same seam allowance. now we can flip the band left sides together and iron it. the prepared neckband will now be pinned onto the garment. we start at the center back where these both seams meet, pinning all along and aligning the notches. here in the spaces between, we can use some more clips to fixate.

before we serge the neckband on, we fixate this piece at the beginning and end with the sewing machine. this prevents shifting and slipping when serging. we now have secured the edges and can comfortably serge the neckband in one line. we are almost finished. we now have to slip the serger chains into the seam by using a thick embroidery needle. finally iron your creation and make sure that the seam allowances

of the neckband are showing towards the front bodice. and a cool self- made cardigan is finished! if you would like to make some more nice clothes for yourself, check out our videos for a ladies shirt or cool biker- leggings. in this case run to your machines and sew something! if you liked this video, i would be very happy if you leave me a like here or subscribe to my channel. see you soon!

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