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bilder für badezimmer wand

i'll be right with you, please have a seat. so…, woooooohw, well, yes - i realize the issue. it is eye-catching, isn't it? >>yes, i had to lie if i would doubt that. well, but that's what we are here for. i am surprised that you haven't approached earlier. you know how it is, first you deny it and then when you realize how people stare at you and laugh behind your back, than your self-esteem suffers and it doesn't work any longer. >>um, well. yes, yes i can imagine that. >>well, but do you think you can do anything about it?

yes, definitely! >>but i have to tell you that it is going to be a reconstruction in several steps. >>yes?! so you are planning to do one ear first and then the other? >>ear?! ears! - actually i feel like dumbo with those jutting lugs. and now it's enough and there has to be done something about it. >>yes, well and the ears are the only thing you want to be fixed? >>of course! what else would there be?oh, now i see what you are driving at! you are aiming at the… … mole on my nose. no, i am not allowed to remove that thing, my husband considers the beauty spot

to be super cute. >>you are married? >>yes, we got married last year. and you have to imagine, everyone thought my husband was gay. but then he would not have married me, would he? no, see, my husband loves my nose. he snuggles it, he kisses it, fumbles around with it for hours! okay then. how much would it be to have my ears set back? >>well, round about 600 euros. >>okay. and the appointment i arrange with you straight away? >>ahem no, outside with my receptionist! >>but please state out clearly that it is for having your ears set back! >>well but that is quite obvious, isn't it! sorry. bless you.

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