gestaltung der wände

gestaltung der wände

hello everybody, my name is markiplier and welcome to whispers, another indie horror game for the oculus rift, and this one actually has quite a bit of detail put into it. not only in the art, which looks pretty nice - ah, gah, bleh, keys. what did i do? oh, i did something, ok, there we go. i think my calibration just went off. what did i do to calibrate? ah! grabbing it - oh god, what am i doing? uh, uh, recalibrate! [muzak] recalibrate! i think i'm good now.

now that the crisis is over i'm gonna say that this game actually looks quite good, and even though i got a nest of wires in front of me i'm gonna try my best not to crap my pants as i'm going through this dark and dangerous dungeon. or dark and dangerous sewer, this seems to be. ooh. flashing lights and fog! how boring and droll. you're gonna have to come up with something original to scare the pants off of me. and that task might be harder than it seems because, as everyone probably knows by now i don't play games with pants on. (gasp) hi! uh, g - uh...i - ok. that was disturbingly normal. hello, baby! assuming you were a lady. oh. whoa. is that something over there? ok, i got a few things that i need to wrap my head around before we move forward.

what is that? what are that? and what are over there? hello, mr. skeleton dude. how you doin'? why do you have your intestines? oh, you have your eyeballs! that's weird, you're weird! and there's an even bigger skull over there. ah, you're weird, i don't like you! k, let's go where that lady went. still...i still think something's over there! and i don't much care for it. i don't know what it is about this particular game but it seems to have quite the atmosphere. there's another dead dude. at least i hope he's dead. don't know if he's a skeleton or what - oh! is that another skellington? [groaning] that guy wasn't dead, was he! oh. ok!

now this game is just dicking with me! and i don't much care for things dicking with me! hello skellington. how's it hanging? [growl] ah, fuck you! whoa, are you real? whoa, you back off! are you real? are you real? are you real, you better tell me right now, frank! you better tell me right now! ok. imma assume he wasn't. is there anything else - oh. god damn. alright, i'll go this way. well, so they got jump scares at me. what else do they got? k, they got a wall. they got another, what is that? [croaking, unintelligible voices] noo ok, i'm not looking behind me!

oh, it is behind me, ok. god, i was more worried that there wasn't gonna be something behind me. [croaking gets louder] ok, grudge much? do i still hear something? gah. [breathing] ok! this game has what a lot of games often don't, especially in the horror genre. it's good sound. sound is good! sound is key! i was playing...uh...gamedev simulator, whatever it was called [light burns out] iiiii'm not gonna go that way. i'm gonna go this way where's there's light and stuff. maybe this just loops back around to the other path that i didn't take before in the beginning.

ah, anyway, when i was playing gamedev simulator back...a while ago...when i would make horror games all the time. 'cause they were easy to make and sound was paramount in them. god, where am i going? i don't even know where this is anymore. where the hell - oh, ok, that's a dead end. uh...alright then. [loud sound] ahh! that's a familiar horror jump scare sound! can only get me - can only get me with that like, ten hundred more times before i start to get really angry. so which way am i supposed to go? uh, this is a dead end too. alrighty then! i dunno where i'm going, i dunno what i'm doing. i don't know why i'm doing it, all i know is that i'm doing it with all the best power i can! [glass breaks] whazat?

excuse me? pardon me? wanna run that by me again? do i hear footy footsteps behind me! do i hear footy footsteps in front of me? fuck your vines! what the hell? where am i now? [scream] ah fuck you, jesus! [loud sound] ok, another one. well then, what is that? oh, that's a key. ok. i picked up a key! that's - ok. that was hard - i don't wanna know what's in the spider cobwebs over there. uhh. me no likey. [door creaks] oh, ok. did i use the key on that?

i really don't wanna go down there but i know you guys would be remiss if i didn't. so i'm gonna go. oh, it's a spidah! is anybody afraid of spiders, this thing is really close to my face. uhh. hello, spider! with the spider phobia! or also known as arachnophobia for non-idiots. again! it is so behind me. so those were - i thought that were like, ghosty ectoplasmic goo that got shot all over the walls by randy marsh. but, uh, no, it was actually spider webs, i thought i was being stupid and clever. clever stupid. stlever? clupid. whatever. i was being me. [sudden silence] ok, i was just checking, something wasn't actually happening, it was just decided that it need to stop -

[loud sound] [croaking] oh! oh, grudge much again? what am i doing now? [croaking gets louder] is this where i die? ah, that was it?! no! it was a very very short demo. god, i was just getting into it. piss! ok, so anyway, that was whispers part one, they told me it was a short demo going into it, i just didn't know it was that short. but either way. there's a lot of potential here. but, i gotta say, i have to say this after playing a lot of these games... i recognize the horror sounds, they're being used over and over and over again, there needs to be some originality to it and just like, me, that i've played so many of these, i need like, something new,

even though you still got me a lot with them, like i was hoping for something new. either way, still good, lot of potential, can't wait to see the finished product. so if you enjoyed this video, leave a like down below, let me know in the comments if you got any more oculus rift or horror games you want me to play, and as always, i will see you in the next video. bye-bye!

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