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so bethesda just released news of their first dlcs. the first one allows you to build and customize your own robot companions pretty sure there's a mod that does something like that for new vegas. the second one allows you to tame wild animals and fight with them. uhm... somebody did that mod for skyrim. the third one, to bethesda's credit, is an actual dlc, but i can sort of see why it's taking so long for bethesda to release the creation kit... cause if they did nobody would've bought the first two dlcs the red rocket -- the place that everybody thinks is a great idea to place a home on top of.
but in reality, it's the worst goddamn place you can possibly put a home on top of. today we are going to renovate it and make the red rocket great again, just like howdonald trump is gonna make america-- okay i'm just kidding. let's go-- first thing we need to do isclean all the garbage around the red rocket. you can use spring cleaning anddo it all manually and immersively or if you are a lazy potato you can also get the mod clean bad rocket which will clean your red rocket, no fuss, no muss. next up you wantto restore the lights of the red rocket
using the mod red rockets glare stationillumination and this will make the red rockets as well as the logos glow atnight. there are several versions you can install: inside lights only andoutline lights only. so now that we've cleaned everything up, restored thelights, it's now time to paint the walls. i'd been waiting to use this transitionfor years and it's never been more appropriate. this is really red rocketsby elianora and this applies a fresh layer of red paint as well as a whitestripe across your walls. i looked at elianora's demonstration video and itmakes me sad to know that we might never get a house mod for fallout 4.because we're expected to be the ones to
make our own houses now. there's asettlement system. i'm not talented. i will never make a house as crazy asthis and elianora is not gonna share her creation because there's no house mods anymore. anyways, once we've repainted the walls, we can now add some new floor textures.we can use langley's hd textures, but if you're not feeling that ready you canjust cover the entire red rockets in wood with the mod red rockets in wood. but mxr, you may have painted the walls, changed the floor, cleaned the place up, re-illuminated the lights, but the furniture still looks like crap. well, you'd be god damn right about that,pablo, but you know how we said that
there are no more house mods? wellthere's another solution and that's downloading somebody else's home andripping their settlement using a settlement ripper tool. yes, that'sactually a thing. so i downloaded red rocket 2.0 by chaos and now this kind of justblew my mind because nothing i've ever created has ever come close to thisamount of detail.the guy literally transformed the red rocket gas stationinto a legitimate high-class home but he's turned the garage into some sort ofdance / bedroom -- my god, you step in here and it's so homely and it feels likehome. this, my friends, feels like an actualhome mod that we used to download for new
vegas and skyrim. but also keep in mind touse the save game and have the house appear as it does, right, this requires abouttwenty or so mods, so: no, you can just download one mod and expect this beautiful home,this is a commitment. also just the fact thatthere's so much stuff jam-packed here,you know, say goodbye to your frame rate ripperonies. but, yeah, i guess we could say this is thefirst official legitimate home mod we've kind of featured on the show so far. areyou tired of your settlers being worthless pieces of crap? do you wishthat they could get off their asses and actually contribute to the wealth of thesettlement for once in their goddamn sorry lives and, i don't know, maybe stop hammeringat that worthless sanctuary home
perpetually making no noticeableprogress in restoring the building and all? well, this next mod is perfect for you.this is northlanddiggers crafting resources and jobs, a mod that adds several new craftingstations under the resources resources miscellaneous that are not used by youbut for your settlers. the only issue is assigning your settlers to these stations.i have no idea why it's so hard and why some npcs just refuse to do what i askthem and then like at night they want to stop working. it's so weird, it's like they want to go tosleep or something, but i scrapped all
their beds. like some of these people areso belligerent... marcy long: what gave you the idea we're friends? i was even just thinking about using their children for child labor, but then i realized: oh, wait a minute-- settlers can't have babies. then i realized,when the creation kit comes out, somebody needs to make that you're probably wondering: how do you reap the fruits of your settlers' labor?well the answer is whenever you change zones and come back. right, so take a trip to diamond city, visit the strip club-- oh, wait a minute: why is there nostrip club in diamond city yet? oh, right, creation kit's not out yet.
head back to your settlement and then checkthe corner of everybody's workbench, there should be a rusted basket withwhatever they made inside of it. this is an awesome way to get more resources immersivelyand a great way to actually get your sellers to do something productive andnot just hammer away at a sanctuary home that will never be repaired not to mention the guy's always thinking of new crafting stations to add to the mod and this also adds a sort of newmicro-management dynamic to the game kind of like sims in a way or even starcraft,you know, harvestin' those goddamn crystals. are you sick and tired of the numerousamounts of pin-up posters showing women
in a derogatory and misogynist manner? no? oh, shit! then don't show this next-- too late!this is affection recruitment pin-ups because we're sick and tired of themisogyny and we're triggered so we're now replacing the misogyny with somemisandry. ok, i have no idea what i'm talking about because i'm all for equality, right?if women can do something men can do just as well. i mean look atdance's ass. and his abs. it's really hairy. i don't know about you guys but he's gota better ass than ninety percent of females---no homo-- and you know if he gotit why not flaunt it, right, boyce? and don't even get me started on deacon,all right? that underboob, though? bigger boobs
that 90% of the femail population. i'd say there's nothingmore convincing than a shredded deacon riding a big steaming long black hardtrain ready to ride. these pin-ups are created by crystal graziano and if you love those so muchyou can go to her store and purchase these posters in real life and now we're allpretty much just sitting here waiting for her to draw a muscular half-nude prestongarvey laying seductively on a map saying "mmm, i'll mark it on your map." i don't know i'm just throwing these out there.the armor mod this week is witcher - gerolt's prologue gears. you get gerolt's outfit as wellas the viper armor which comes in black
and brown. immediately after putting onthis arm you should go into your showracemenu and change your hair to gray, silver, or white for immersive purposes. it also comes with a cross bow andarrows to use for it right this may not be lore-friendly but if you use yourimagination you are a vigilante a wanna-be superhero. everything looks great, but-- ***gasp*** --her butt. her butt's crack has a crack. an inseam crack.what is the meaning o-- how will i ever immersify myself in her buttocks if there's a seam in it? yet the male version has no seam. what is the sexism
i'm witnessing here? as a player of femalecharacters, i'm triggered. legend tells of a monster so big, so long, and so black, it walked around at nights you can barely see it but when you did it wasalready too late: he had already stuck his claws inside of you. that's right, we'retalking about gojira, and for you people that don't understand, like, the superior japaneseculture, that's godzilla, a mod that adds a new legendary boss to the game, the legendary gojira. seven times the size of a normal deathclaw. and i was just kidding when i saidyou couldn't see him, right? that was a joke, you can see this guy miles away,he's a freakin' skyscraper. the moment he spots you you're pretty much dead
this guy has more range than steph currybut mxr then how do i beat this boss? i'm glad you asked, pablo. to have achance of killing gojira you need a special overpowered weapon called thefire lance. to find the weapon you need to journey deep into the glowing sea,at a parking garage. inside the garage you're gonna find a bunch of aliens, right?beat the crap out of these big headed nerds, steal their fuckin' lunch money. their heads are so big,i wonder why the bats percent chance of a headshot isn't greater. keep an eyeout: there are two cars that will explode here . this is going to be one of the carsthat will explode, so there's gonna be a bunch of goon alilens, then there's the boss alien. he is the one that's shooting thered alien pistol.
you do not want to get hit by his red beams. luckily there's lots of pillars here so having an epic boss showdown, hide behind the pillars, pull your glock out, blow his fucking brains out. take the fire lance which is essentially a red alien pistol that does fire damage.congratulations, you've just increased your chances of taking out the gojira by about 2%. the next step is finding a place that the gojira cannot reach.
congratulations,you've just increased your chance of taking out the gojira by ninety-nine percent. ha! what a little bitch! i'm not afraid o' you, you might be steph curry but i'm like lebron james, bro. i'm ballin'all over you. i'm sweating-- another thing you can do of course is to just use the any mod any weapon mod. create this weapon and rain death upon him. chances are when you download this youwill have an epic boss battle or you can be petting dogmeat and turnaround tothis and then get your ass kicked. my friend and i are doing a giveaway. he's the guythat makes funny story videos. we are giving away $50 steam gift cards.the link is down below. feel free to check it out.