bilder badezimmer comic

bilder badezimmer comic

looks like the clash villageis testing their spring traps. if you ever steal my lunch money again,i’ll kick you three villages over! too much downtime makesthe whole village soft. i know. we haven’t hada massive battle in at least two hours. all right. shooting contest.loser has to fill the miner holes. see the smallest mushroom in that patch? mom! pfftt... child’s play. off the elixir collector, off the bomb,then roast the giant’s marshmallow.

hey, perfectly done! carnival trick. off the level 12 cannon,through the hidden tesla, off the mighty statueand bullseye on the weather vane. oopsy. i don’t know why you wasteyour time with goblins. the only languagethey’re ever going to speak is stealing. but they don’t have to do that. if they could just speak our language,they could get real jobs.

i see potential, not problems. yeah, well, i see someonewho stole some flags. sorry about the pants.knock yourself out, eartha. this is so exciting.i’ll be teaching you, but you know what? i may end up learning morethan you do. boom. win win. can you say "hello"? it’s okay. let’s startwith something you can relate to. how about the word "gold"? no, no, there is no gold! i just said it!it’s only an example! a word!

maybe this is a good placeto stop for now. we’ve all been practicing very hardand we’re ready to order our lunch. crug? sawducket meanaglobble of macabaca-ilk. was that sawdust in a glass of milk? no, of course not.we’re still working on articulation. sorry, i guess that was what he wanted. one number four! i’m so proud of you all. you’ve all graduatedand found meaningful jobs,

so that you won’t everhave to steal again. grud, you’re working in a spell factory. muck, you’ve gota fine job in the town hall. and crug, i hear you have a new job too? yes, i’ll be teachingmy own english language course. i only hope to be ableto do it as well as you have. looks like you havea full class. so happy for you. welcome. i’ll be teaching you,but you know what? i may end up learning morethan you do. boom! win win.

well, only one thing i can do now. off the big rock at the the p.e.k.k.a.’s left horn. off the three seeking air mines... then open the lock on the gold storage. off the ancient skull,reset the spring traps, stop the villager from clappingand put out the third torch. rocket, slop’s on! come on, old can do it. i believe in you. hello, handsome!what kind of hog are we buying?

uh, i’m just looking. of course. everyone who comes herewith their old hog is "just looking." well, let’s take a look-see.okay, that can be rebuilt... we’ll buff that out... guys in the shop can doa re-curl on that, no problemo. enough about this trade-in. let’s get you on the hoga rider like you deserves. how do i get out? i can’t breathe! i think all i want is justa plain old regular hog.

of should have said that to begin with. that’s the one! let’s talk about an extended warranty,and mudproofing, snout ornament... so, that’s the house,and that’s where you sleep and... rocket?welcome home. into the x-bow, starting it up, and firing a hundred arrowsinto the builder’s hut, causing... hey, i like wrecking stuff.can i play too? we’re not wrecking stuff. we’re competingto make the village safer!

cool!check this out. off the spell factory roof,off the town hall, and into the coffin. hot, hot, hot! what? who puts a riverin a stadium anyway? welcome to tv royale live! - i’m eldin.- and i’m maren. today, we get to watchthe powerful crusssher145. he won’t be so powerfulwhen he goes up against nomercy17. please, maren. you should be unbiased.try to be professional.

the battle begins. crusssher wisely starts outwith a full horde of minions. boo-ya! that’s how i like my minions served:well done, a little grey on the inside. a bad joke, poorly told. oh, barbarians!no shirts, no shoes, no surrender! now it's a good timeto go down to ana, our side line reporter. - what’s it like down there?- unsafe. definitely unsafe.

huh. okay. excuse me?how’s the battle going so far? uh, just trying to give it a 110%, and… sorry, i should go.i should just be punching stuff. coming to you livefrom the side lines. this is… she got freeze-spelled! the blue team is putting ona great spectacle for the fans. - bleh!- ew! last minute,and nomercy is on the ropes as crusssher sends inwave after wave of minions.

isn’t it relaxing watching waves roll in? and they were taken outby the princesses. nice job, princesses. those weren’t fired by princesses, but flew from over their heads!let’s see a replay. see? arrows, princesses. unrelated! why are you like this? because you’re not reporting anything!you’re just rooting for the red team. oh, and you’re sayingyou’re not rooting for the blue team? before you answer,let’s show our audience this.

- that is a birthmark!- of course it is. well, we saw a terrific battle. action, drama, music,even two different size p.e.k.k.a.s! you know what? forget this! i shouldn’t have to work with a…a red announcer! good news. you don’t have to!you’re being replaced. that is my eyeliner! i think this minion’s gonna be good.seems like a lot of energy. fireball off the gold mine,and then two cannons.

flame the barracks,swirl around the laboratory… what do you know? three stars.i guess those drills paid off.

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